If you can't fix it with a hammer and a roll of duck tape, it's not worth fixing at all, my old mate said minutes before that nasty business with the hammer and a roll of duck tape. Tell us of McGyver-like repairs and whether they were a brilliant success or a health and safety nightmare.
( , Thu 10 Mar 2011, 11:58)
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- so much for the politicised generation.
The Tories are the ones setting the agenda - they're the enemy, you fool.
You wouldn't blame the Scots for the sins of the British Empire post 1707. You wouldn't blame Richard Pryor for Superman III.
If you've got a problem, it's with the whipping system, not the Lib Dems.
( , Thu 10 Mar 2011, 15:17, 1 reply)

how the liberals are, well, liberal. until someone disagrees with them.
Without lib dem votes this current tory-led gov wouldn't have managed to pass their shitty policies.
no ones holding a gun to cleggs head and demanding he votes for camerons crock of shit policies.
Then again im not a liberal, so in your eyes im thick as pig shit. maybe i should go back to uni and... Oh, hang on. I cant fucking afford to do that now can i?
ivory tower? I recommend you climb out of it and join the real world you twat.
( , Thu 10 Mar 2011, 15:35, closed)

Like, nobody held a gun to his head! And holding a gun to someone's head is literally the only way to make someone do something they don't want to do - so the Lib Dems are all a bunch of lying liars!
Brilliant. You're wasted arguing with strangers on the internet, you should be teaching a course in politics somewhere. Sign me up! I have never heard such flawless reasoning, such brilliant insight, delivered with such wit and erudition. It's like my eyes have been opened for the very first time.
Thank you, good sir, and thank you for using the word 'liberal' in the Fox News sense of the word, it's about time British people started to catch up.
( , Thu 10 Mar 2011, 16:25, closed)

touched a nerve there.
6th in barnsley.
Local elections soon.
Call me a traditionalist but lets see what happens at the polls, ehh? democracys a pisser, mate, but even a self righteous cunt like you might allow the people to show their anger with the lib dems at the ballot box.
( , Thu 10 Mar 2011, 16:55, closed)

but I'm actually just anti-Tory.
Please reformulate your argument with this is mind and get back to me, because I was just beginning to enjoy myself.
As always, the only thing the people will be showing at the ballot box is their vast ignorance of how politics works.
( , Thu 10 Mar 2011, 17:24, closed)

on everything. Forever.
Maybe only clever cunts like you should be allowed to vote - that would be democratic.
Last from me on this because you really are a tedious twat.
So, please feel free to have the last word...................... Go on then, big man.......:.......
( , Thu 10 Mar 2011, 17:35, closed)

Quick series of questions related to the issues which are being voted on. The higher you score on the test, the more your vote is worth. Therefore the people who actually had some idea what they were voting for would have more of a voice, and those being led by Mr Murdoch would be marginalised. Might encourage the electorate to engage more as well. It wouldn't be about being a clever cunt, but an informed one.
Would never work of course. Who would set the questions? What would the 'correct' answers be? Logistics would also be a nightmare. Hey ho.
( , Thu 10 Mar 2011, 22:50, closed)

and would be very hard to ask questions related to trends/statistics/policies as they're often so selective and PR'ed as to be meaningless.
Maybe give voters a blank piece of paper, and in order to vote they need to at least be able to fill in the name of their chosen candidate and their party. Would be a start.
( , Fri 11 Mar 2011, 11:39, closed)

god, this place is full of pretentious middle class twats. we live in a democracy. working class people died in their hundreds of thousands so we could all have the right to vote. why dont you fuckwits come back when youve successfully made it through puberty.
( , Sun 13 Mar 2011, 15:24, closed)

When the hell did this happen? You can't just make up history you know.
( , Mon 14 Mar 2011, 11:40, closed)

you sound like a teenager doing history a level. stop it. Its neither big or clever. making history up? World war 2. Ever heard of it? No doubt you'll have a wise arse remark about that not qualifying as working class or vote enabling. and if you do this it just makes you appear even more sad and teenage history student like. no one likes a smart arse. No one.
( , Tue 15 Mar 2011, 22:01, closed)

Seriously? You think WWII was about the right to vote? You know commoners had the vote before WWII, right?
How is this about being a smart arse? This stuff has been compulsory FOR CHILDREN in schools for decades. It's still within living memory, and we're still living in the post-war environment. Also, documentaries about the war are on TV all the time. You're an idiot.
It's an insult to those who died in the war that you don't even understand why we fought in the first place. You should be ashamed.
( , Wed 16 Mar 2011, 10:57, closed)

But we're not discussing the right to vote. We're debating whether it's possible to ensure informed voting, rather than a system where most people go to the polls with little or no knowledge of the real issues and the consequences of their vote, in a culture where we're more or less spoon-fed ideology.
( , Mon 14 Mar 2011, 16:01, closed)
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