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This is a question Broken Promises

Thebigfella tugs our coat and says: Are you a LibDem minister, a cheating partner, or maybe you have an annoying friend you can't be bothered with? Tell us of promises you've broken, or if you've been on the receiving end.

(, Thu 2 Dec 2010, 12:40)
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I would have thought
that me calling them a shower of cunts made it fairly obvious that they broke this promise and made me work a metric fuck-tonne of overtime immediately after making this promise, but I obviously didn't take into account your own sheer fuck-wittedness, or indeed miniscule ability to detect irony or sarcasm at its most blatant, you dick.

And yes, I'm still angry about it.
(, Mon 6 Dec 2010, 21:11, Reply)

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