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Home » Question of the Week » Bugs and feature requests » Post 379186 | Search
This is a question Bugs and feature requests

Found a problem on B3ta? Want other features that we don't currently offer? Type your ideas here with your finger-mouths. (We don't promise we'll act on any of it, but we will read it and your words could even prompt us into action.)

(, Wed 1 Nov 2006, 11:48)
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Ability to Gaz lots of people at the same time
would be useful, for example everyone signed up to a bash to send them details.
(, Sun 1 Mar 2009, 15:15, 2 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Yes yes yes and yes

(, Tue 3 Mar 2009, 15:03, Reply)
That would just make it
SO damned easy for the spammers then...
(, Tue 10 Mar 2009, 12:40, Reply)

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