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Home » Question of the Week » Have you ever been rude to a celebrity? » Post 7869 | Search
This is a question Have you ever been rude to a celebrity?

Whilst at school we had a field trip to the Ironbridge Gorge museum. Oddly enough kids TV presenter Johnny Ball happened to pick the same day to make a visit. We were rather excited and crowded round asking questions. Johnny took this rather well and held an impromptu lecture. This was all fun and games until a kid at the back threw a small rock at his head. Silence fell for a moment then Mr Ball blew a gasket and did the whole "no one is leaving until I get a confession" routine. Er.. typing this out makes me feel rather sorry for the chap. Anyway - can you beat that?

(, Wed 14 Apr 2004, 19:06)
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Very funny for me because a) i lost my job and b) i didnt like it anyways
Insulting a celebrity the best way in the world to lose a job.

First: Lowri Turner of that home improvement show cant rember the name now, visits the local Safeway where i just so happened to work at the time. Guess what she cam through my checkout and I was having a nice conversation with her about my job and then i asked her what she did (at the time not realising it was her) she told me that she worked for BBC on said improvement show. and i replied with "oh that very classy show with the downtrodden masses looking for a freebie with that fat bird who presents it whats her name?" to which she said "me" what kind of a stupid name is that and she said "no im the fat bird who presents it" and stormed off.
(, Wed 14 Apr 2004, 19:35, Reply)

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