Shit Claims to Fame II
My car was in the Specsavers advert with the old lady and the loud stereo. Not me. My stupid blue Nissan Micra. Tell us about your brushes with fame.
Suggested by Amorous Badger
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 20 Sep 2012, 15:49)
The girl who gave three of my friends crabs fucked one of Pennywise
it might have been the one that killed himself, I can't remember
cs1ca, Mon 24 Sep 2012, 20:14,
4 replies)
I have a picture of his suicide crime scene, if it helps?
janet aylia y'all motherfuckers need jesus, Mon 24 Sep 2012, 20:18,
I can never wank over the same thing twice, unfortunately
cs1ca, Mon 24 Sep 2012, 20:51,
You the one who gave him crabs?
andythepieman Is surfing the waves of indifference on, Wed 26 Sep 2012, 13:56,
I doubt it.
I think I'd remember that, especially the 'fucking another man' part.
cs1ca, Wed 26 Sep 2012, 22:34,