Smaug says: Ricky Gervais. Lesbian pr0n. Going into a crowded bar, purely because it's crowded. All these things seem to be popular with everybody else, but I just can't work out why. What leaves you cold just as much as it turns everyone else on?
( , Thu 15 Oct 2009, 14:54)
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The Simpsons
I watched it because it was a cartoon. That was years ago. When something is made into a cartoon it becomes engaging and interesting…especially for kids. Not anymore. There's too much better stuff on. They're just dull now. When it comes on I'd rather chew tinfoil whilst committing self harm.
Animal Collective
It's echoy bollocks.
"ooh but he's so modern and feel-good man!"
No he's not. It sounds like someone's playing a beach boys record in a gigantic tin shed under the ocean. It's simply awful. You wouldn't do that to any other artist so why do it to the bloody beach boys? I mean come on. If you were going to play music that sounded like you were playing a record under the ocean in a tin shed, you'd pick The Beatles, or Nirvana or someone credible....but the beach boys? Honestly.
ok 10/10 for effort but minus several million for quality.
When people start talking about “S” series and the “new open top model” my eyes glaze over and I think of ANYTHING else except cars: boobies, horror movies, lint, ice-cream sticks…basically anything except sodding cars.
Just for the record I can drive but for me a good sound system and cheap running costs are more important aspects of a car. Cause let’s face it: Cars get from A to B. Buses and trains do the same thing. So when you’re talking about cars, you might as well be talking about public transport. And who likes that? No one! So shut up about your shitty cock-mobile.
Dodgy topic but here’s my take on it:
That’s it.
Basically you should: BE NICE!
Now if you need a book or an imaginary friend to keep you in line then you’ve probably got some serious issues that we haven’t got time to cover off today.
I actually don’t mind religion and people who participate in it. A majority of them do their own thing. But I can’t stand it when you get on your high horse because you think that your imaginary friend is better than someone elses? Then I gotta stop you and smite you for being a cock.
Facebook games
Do I want to be a pirate or a ninja?
No I do not! I don’t send you a letter to your Microsoft outlook asking you if you want to be a cuddly toy or a rapist, so why clog up my wall with such stupid requests?
On facebook I want to check my emails and find out what my friends are doing.
That’s it.
I don’t care if my primary school friend David MacKnight has become a level 3 Zombie! There are simply too many applications on facebook. Fuck!*
Sex And the City
A show about women who act like whores made especially for women who act like whores.
If you find the show so damn sexy and hot maybe you should watch some hot fisting action: My fist, Sarah Jessica Parkers face.
Russell Brand
Do I really need to justify my dislike for this spastic monkey?
Eastenders/Coronation Street/Soaps
Boring tripe for people to watch so that they feel better about their lives by watching the socially retarded lives of others … a totally pointless act you may as well stare into a fucking mirror all day. No I didn’t watch the show last night and no I don’t care.
Yorkshire pudding
As a child I remember all the hype surrounding Sunday roasts with Yorkshire puds. Now pudding as far as I’m concerned sounds like a dessert. And I remember the day dad made us a Sunday roast with Yorkshire pudding. “What is Yorkshire pudding?” I remember thinking to myself. Is it chocolate cake with ice-cream and sprinkles? Maybe it’s a fruit based custard or something?
It’s basically flour and milk, beaten together and baked. It looks like a retarded muffin.
“But you use it to mop up your gravy!”
Big deal. My tongue does that. So does bread. Personally I think we could live without Yorkshire puddings and the world would vastly improve.
*having said all that I am secretly addicted to Mafia Wars on facebook. What a dick :(
( , Mon 19 Oct 2009, 3:56, 7 replies)

I can be a right miserable cow at times, but could you at least try having some semblance of a life? It would have been quicker to tell us what you DO like!
( , Mon 19 Oct 2009, 5:55, closed)

yeah upon reading it back it does come across a bit dark....but honestly im a nise guy! just ask my mum...
( , Mon 19 Oct 2009, 8:08, closed)

and i was with ye until the yorkshire pudding rant...that my friend, is a step too far, even for b3ta....fucking sacrilege
( , Mon 19 Oct 2009, 9:13, closed)

you're so wrong about Yorkshire puddings. I'm not talking your Aunt Bessie's, which are to Yorkshire puddings what the Yorkshire Ripper to sex-workers, I'm talking home made.
My Yorkshire puddings rise so wondrously high that I have to alert East Midlands airport not to fly low over my house on Sundays incase a plane hits them.
( , Mon 19 Oct 2009, 10:48, closed)

( , Mon 19 Oct 2009, 11:38, closed)

Don't mock the pudding. You can't beat um. Who wants a slice of bread when you can have a yorkshire pud to soak up the gravy.
( , Mon 19 Oct 2009, 13:46, closed)
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