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This is a question The B3TA Confessional

With the Pope about to visit the UK, what better time to unburden yourself of anything that's weighing on your mind by posting it on the internet? Pay particular attention to the Seven Deadly Sins of lust, greed, envy, pride, posting puns on the QOTW board and the other ones. Top story gets to kneel before His Holiness's noodly appendage, or something

(, Thu 26 Aug 2010, 12:47)
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Less-than-ninja edit: I'm a cunt. 'Nuff said.
(, Tue 31 Aug 2010, 9:56, 25 replies)
Repents R Us
Confessional bar is open and a long way away from your little village.
(, Tue 31 Aug 2010, 10:02, closed)
Hoy! My 'little village' just played host to one of the largest annual comedy/theatre festivals in the world.
How far away is this confessional bar exactly though? I would be prepared to go to some lengths to get this off my chest.
(, Tue 31 Aug 2010, 10:06, closed)
If your village hosted a comedy festival
Then my little village can't compete. Our Xmas parade has old people in motorised scooters as part of the pageant. And they are not dressed up.

And they are on the other side to your world.
(, Tue 31 Aug 2010, 10:11, closed)
You're Embra?
That kind of rules out you confessing to me then. Although, I've got no idea who you are. So knock yourself out.
(, Tue 31 Aug 2010, 10:17, closed)
You never know.
You might know me.

Edit - oh no, checked your profile, you almost certainly don't.
(, Tue 31 Aug 2010, 10:52, closed)

wtf remove your post?
(, Tue 31 Aug 2010, 10:29, closed)
Don't mind if I do.
Attention seeking and mental instability can be someone else's preserve today - oh look, there's a starfish!
(, Tue 31 Aug 2010, 10:30, closed)
Why not
talk to your brother about it?

If I had something like this to say, my brother would be one of the people at the top of the list to talk to.
(, Tue 31 Aug 2010, 10:39, closed)
He's elsewhere at the moment
but not for long.
I suppose I could - I certainly considered it - but I really don't come off well from it.
(, Tue 31 Aug 2010, 10:48, closed)
I didn't read the OP before you edited
are you gay for your brother?
(, Tue 31 Aug 2010, 10:56, closed)
Shut up Bert.
And no.
(, Tue 31 Aug 2010, 10:57, closed)
what's it all about then eh?

(, Tue 31 Aug 2010, 10:58, closed)
Self-absorbed whining that could be better put to use having a hatewank or something.
And it's not about my brother either - it's about an ex-girlfriend. There you go people; hard info at last.
(, Tue 31 Aug 2010, 11:00, closed)
so you're gay for your brother?
Man, we've all been there
(, Tue 31 Aug 2010, 11:02, closed)
He is a handsome man.
Since you didn't catch the OP, he's on b3ta himself - StapMyVitals, posted a few threads down in a convoluted way about racism.
(, Tue 31 Aug 2010, 11:04, closed)
he really is a handsome man
I mean, I don't swing that way, but if I did your brother would be top of the list.
I don't know if I'd want to be bent over in front of him though, but if I was behind him I'd see him and that might be worse, so maybe being the girl in that situation is the better end of the deal. I don't know. I might try both, and maybe I'd suck him off a bit too, but only once. Or twice.
(, Tue 31 Aug 2010, 11:08, closed)
You're actually doing more to make me feel better than any amount of talking about my problems ever would.
+1 for lolz.
(, Tue 31 Aug 2010, 11:09, closed)
get over it, he's your brother
no matter how handsome he is, you can never be together, and even if you were you couldbn't have babies, but if you did they'd be slow. Sure they'd be handsome if they inherited his looks, but there are already enough attractive mentally disabled people in the world, just loook at big brother
(, Tue 31 Aug 2010, 11:12, closed)
oh wait, you already did LOL

(, Tue 31 Aug 2010, 11:16, closed)
Of course, there is such a thing as taking a joke too far.
In fact we've already had babies, but the world can never know, so we got them adopted.
(, Tue 31 Aug 2010, 11:19, closed)
if you're gay for your brother, right
whose dad pays for the wedding?
(, Tue 31 Aug 2010, 11:30, closed)
He owes me money anyway.
(, Tue 31 Aug 2010, 11:31, closed)

for the use of the word "cunt", it would usually be a good bumming by some of my well endowed nuns. As you have managed to use it in the correct context, I'll let you off.
(, Tue 31 Aug 2010, 10:53, closed)
Oh god.
I was just slagging off the Pope a few threads down and now he turns up. Bugger.

Incidentally, what is the correct context for saying 'cunt'? Some might say it's too sexist to ever be fairly used.
(, Tue 31 Aug 2010, 10:56, closed)

The OP described himself as one, a context to which I agree.
(, Tue 31 Aug 2010, 11:02, closed)
...I am the OP, Popey.
Heh heh.

"Ohh, I am the opey, popey
Ohh, I am the opey, popey
Ohh, I am the opey, popey
That's what it's all about! POPE!"
(, Tue 31 Aug 2010, 11:03, closed)
So glad you aren't one of my minions
after that display.

You've ruined the hokey cokey for me now.
(, Tue 31 Aug 2010, 11:10, closed)
Well, you ruined Catholicism, Ratzi.
You and all your little wizards.
Was a respectable institution providing succour to many and only dabbling in the most minor of repressions and mysogyny; now irrevocably tainted with the smell of jism and covertly-encouraged-child-abuse.

Actually that's a lie; the church has been a life-fucker from its inception. It's just getting more and more obvious.
(, Tue 31 Aug 2010, 11:15, closed)

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