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Home » Question of the Week » Conversation Killers » Post 1201624 | Search
This is a question Conversation Killers

ThatNiceMan asks: Have you ever been talking with people down the pub when somebody throws such a complete curveball (Sample WTF moment: "I wonder what it's like to get bummed") that all talk is stopped dead? Tell us!

(, Thu 12 May 2011, 12:53)
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This one time I used a perfectly innocent idiom
but I did it in front of somebody with a physical disability or who was a different race or religion or sexuality or maybe they just had red hair or fuck it they could have been a girl or something. Anyway, right, I said this thing that could only possibly be interpreted as offensive to this other person if you were to strain like you were shitting a watermelon through lederhosen and oh god it was so embarrassing because everybody ignored the obvious meaning of the idiom and assumed I was being massively insensitive and a horrible racist and sexist and that and they all stopped talking and shunned me for like the rest of the year as if I'd quite literally cut off a baby's head and worn it like a clown nose.
(, Sat 14 May 2011, 18:15, 9 replies)
You are a very bad man
People like you should be locked up for the good of society.
(, Sat 14 May 2011, 18:43, closed)
I wouldn't waste money on locking us up.
People like me should be clubbed with hammers then ground down for mulch.
(, Sat 14 May 2011, 19:03, closed)
For the story's sake....
... it would be far better if you learnt to construct an intelligible sentence.
(, Sat 14 May 2011, 21:29, closed)
You fucking idiot.
No offence. But you're a fucking idiot. I'd waste a few well-constructed sentences explaining precisely how and why you are a fucking idiot. But you're almost certainly too much of a fucking idiot for it to be worth my while. Love you. You fucking idiot.
(, Sat 14 May 2011, 23:54, closed)
I like this.

(, Tue 17 May 2011, 15:00, closed)
Wouldn't you need a really big nose to support it's weight?
Or alternatively some really good elastic.
(, Sat 14 May 2011, 22:23, closed)
these guys will help you through your pain
08457 90 90 90
(, Sat 14 May 2011, 23:19, closed)
These guys should have helped your mum through hers
0845 300 8090
(, Sat 14 May 2011, 23:55, closed)
I googled then giggled
(, Sun 15 May 2011, 1:21, closed)

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