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Home » Question of the Week » Tragic Attempts at Being Cool » Post 2583721 | Search
This is a question Tragic Attempts at Being Cool

You say 'I'm cool, I'm no fool' but then you wind up dropping out of high school'. It was Melle Mel who said that, I swear down. THE Melle Mel, that's right.

This week's question is all about your tragic attempts to be cool (pictures welcome), or perhaps times when you've witnessed another's misguided attempt to be a hep-cat daddio. Share the shame, it might make you feel better.

(, Fri 6 Nov 2015, 10:50)
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Players flip up the "reveal shield" to hide their choice. Now turn the wheel to pick; rock, paper or scissors. When all players are ready, together they say, "Rock Paper Scissors" and on the word "Scissors" they all flip their shields down to show their choice.
(, Sat 7 Nov 2015, 23:21, Reply)

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