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This is a question Hotel Splendido

Enzyme writes, "what about awful hotels, B&Bs, or friends' houses where you've had no choice but to stay the night?"

What, the place in Oxford that had the mattresses encased in plastic (crinkly noises all night), the place in Blackpool where the night manager would drum to the music on his ipod on the corridor walls as he did his rounds, or the place in Lancaster where the two single beds(!) collapsed through metal fatigue?

Add your crappy hotel experiences to our list.

(, Thu 17 Jan 2008, 16:05)
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Another Thailand related incident
On our last night in Bangkok, Deskbound and his lovely lady come back to their ‘quaint’ little room in the Sawadi Inn (just off Kho San) to find their clothes, bed, floor, in fact everything swarming with thousands of baby cockroaches.

Deskbound marches down to the reception, where the staff instantaneously forget they can speak fluent English. After much arm-waving and dodgy cockroach impressions, they decide the only course of action is not to move us, but to shove a can of bug spray in my arm to sort the problem out on our own.

So after fully fumigating the room (disappearing outside to gasp fresh air every ten seconds during the process), we go out to get plastered and drown our sorrows. Returning to the room much later, it’s like something from a Biblical plague with cockroach carcases scattered liberally, sporting a thousand death grimaces.

We just swept them off the bed and slept on top of the covers. It was our last night and despite the horror show, Thailand was forking awesome.

Length? – About 5mm, brown and shiny.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2008, 13:06, 1 reply)
I'd love to see the cockroach impression.
(, Mon 21 Jan 2008, 13:25, closed)

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