curvylittlegoth writes, "My Grandma is crazy, crazy mad. As well as regularly putting curses on us all, she once fell asleep in the armchair on a sunny afternoon, Barley Wine in one hand, Peter Stuyveson in the other, only to wake up several hours later to a Darth Vader sounding fireman. She thought she was in HELL as the smoke and flames billowed round her..."
Are any of your relatives this loopy?
( , Thu 5 Jul 2007, 15:59)
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Actually my Aunt Sue, but Sister Sue has a nice ring to it, and conveniently has the initials SS. Apt, I feel.
She used to bully my mum mercilessly and at one point left a dead fox in her wardrobe to scare her. It worked.
However the psychotic evil didn't really show itself until both my grandparents were on the verge of passing away. When my frail, cancer-ridden nanna dared to ask for a lift home from the hospital where she had been visiting her dying husband who had loved her all his life, she was bluntly told by Sue 'here's ten pounds, get a taxi.' I hear she ran out of money and ended up walking most of the 9 mile journey.
Although she lived a matter of minutes from my grandparents, Sue never made the effort to look after them, and when she did she would make up vicious lies about my grandad being an evil controlling bastard (he was a saint who never said a bad word about anyone and put up with my nanna's mental health issues for all their married life. A true legend.)
This reluctance to help with anything soon changed when she discovered 150,000 pounds under their floorboards. Then she was everywhere, organising my grandad's funeral, and soon enough my nan's funeral too. She demanded that both have humanist funerals, despite the fact that none of them were humanists and had recently made last-minute conversions to Christianity. Then she claimed she knew the humanist minister when she didn't just odd.
After causing my mother to have a nervous breakdown and spark off a delightful terminal illness, she receded into memory, until I turned 17, when she sent me £50 and a letter asking how I was. i wrote back, out of courtesy more than anything, and she rang me one night to let me know that there was a programme on about philosophy. On radio 4. the first i'd heard from her for 6 years. Lovely.
She then decided to cause a rift between me and my brother, mainly by sending me £100 and him only £25. She hated the fact he was about to join the army, and sent him a book called Anthem For the Doomed Youth. Delightful. This proved to be the final straw, and he wrote a fantastic letter telling her where to get off. She sent separate letters back to us, all identical (?!) and we never heard from her again.
I'm glad of it too. If the stupid bitch ever tries to contact me, she'll be hearing much the same.
Sorry for length, it's easy to rant about someone so evil.
( , Tue 10 Jul 2007, 10:17, Reply)
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