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This is a question Cringe!

Chickenlady winces, "I told a Hugh Grant/Divine Brown joke to my dad, pretending that Ms Brown was chewing gum so she'd be more American. Instead I just appeared to be still giving the blow-job. Even as I'm writing this I'm cringing inside."

Tell us your cringeworthy stories of embarrassment. Go on, you're amongst friends here...

(, Thu 27 Nov 2008, 18:58)
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Whilst bartending at a wedding a few years ago
I was witness to one of the greatest cringes ever. It was during the best man's speech which seemed to be fairly run of the mill: 'I've known the groom since we were both knee-high to a grasshopper, insert embarrassing drink related anecdote here, etc. Then almost out of nowhere came the gut-wrenching, slow motion car-crash which unfolded like the bad cliche that it was.

'So the bride and groom will be off on there honeymoon next week and I hope they have a fantastic time. However I think there's some confusion as to where exactly they're going'. My ears suddenly pricked up, I'd heard this set-up before. 'You see, the bride is convinced that they're going to spending two weeks in the Maldives but I'm fairly sure the groom mentioned something about going to North Wales'. Oh God, no! He surely can't! These are lines from a bad joke book, this doesn't happen in real life! But I couldn't look away...

'You see, I asked him what the two of them would be doing for their honeymoon and he said he was going to Bangor for two weeks!' Freeze frame! There's this idiot standing up at the top table with the sleaziest grin and raised eyebrow waiting for the ovation he felt this deserved. All he got was a collective groan from all around the room, the shocked indignation of all the elderly guests and the father of the bride covering his eyes and shaking his head. A mass cringe if you will.

Not as bad as the bridesmaids singing 'It's the bridal countdown' to the tune of Europe's most famous hit though. They even 'sang' the keyboard part!
(, Wed 3 Dec 2008, 13:53, 3 replies)
Oh dear.
Hopefully that's the last time anyone allowed him to speak at a wedding, or, indeed, any other function, ever again.

I do wish you hadn't put The Final Countdown in my head though. That's going to annoy me for the rest of the day.
(, Wed 3 Dec 2008, 14:06, closed)
The best man used that exact line at the wedding I was at on Saturday.

It actually went down quite well at this one though.
(, Wed 3 Dec 2008, 16:12, closed)
Wedding cringes are among the best of all!
(, Thu 4 Dec 2008, 0:47, closed)

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