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This is a question The last thing that made me cry

I wept for my cat last week despite trying to be all hard and manly. What's made you cry recently?

(, Thu 14 Apr 2005, 11:07)
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I'm normally pretty good, but...
Two months ago, my step-dad died after an incredibly long illness, and during the arrangements for the funeral the inevitable arguments between step-family and my blood-family started to occur.

During a particular debate a question was raised, and everyone stopped to look to me for an answer. It was then I realised that, at 24, I was the oldest male present and it was now my responsibility to look after the well-being of my entire family.

At the funeral, I stood at the front pew holding my mum and sisters as they cried their eyes out, whilst I held back with everything I had. Since then, I've been through my mum's finances to make sure she can support herself and I've been to Suffolk to house-hunt so she can start her life again. I still need to speak to my Nan regarding adjusting her will and help arrange a house-sale for all the stuff she doesn’t need any more.

Every now and again I cry when I get thinking about things, but never in front of my family.

I'm thinking about getting a tattoo of a compass put on my back - in remembrance and hopefully inspiration for keeping myself and my family heading in the right direction.
(, Sat 16 Apr 2005, 10:19, Reply)

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