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This is a question The last thing that made me cry

I wept for my cat last week despite trying to be all hard and manly. What's made you cry recently?

(, Thu 14 Apr 2005, 11:07)
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What makes us cry...
This board does have many sad things on it, true, but it is possible to cry both with laughter, idiocy and genuine happiness (all of which I've done in the not too distant past). Whilst it may seem insensitive to put inanities up here amongst hardships and tragedies, they're just answering with honesty, and maybe even trying to cheer people up.
So! To cover the bases, here's my 2 pence.

The other day I heard a joke with the punchline "I bet you've had a cockatoo in there..." what made me cry was the wholly inappropriate nature of the joke given that it was a pupil at the school where I work. Just brilliant!

On the sad front, Michael Howard bringing up the hot potato of abortion- seeing pictures of perfectly formed fetuses that are legally aborted. Not that I'm anti abortion, but thats a whole other kettle of fish.

And to end on a good note, when I'm with my girlfriend I get quite emotional, few drinks later and I've been known to be a happy blubbery little bunny. Sometimes even without the drink too ;) Maybe as I get older I'm appreciating stuff more, or getting in touch with my feminine side- I'll be wearing women's clothing before I know it. Actually, been there, done that, and made a whole lot of people cry.

Funny old things, emotions coupled to physiological processes, aren't they!

In a bit.

Oh yeah, and music too, especially Jeff Buckley's version of Hallelujah. Absolutely guaranteed to bring a tear to anyone with a sense of emotion, even more so when on your tod.
(, Wed 20 Apr 2005, 23:03, Reply)

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