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This is a question Customers from Hell

The customer is always right. And yet, as 'listentomyopinion' writes, this is utter bollocks.

Tell us of the customers who were wrong, wrong, wrong but you still had to smile at (if only to take their money.)

(, Thu 4 Sep 2008, 16:42)
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Customers are like French people. They're not ALL bad.......
Back in my hotel/pub/restaurant days I had some UTTER tools for customers. These range from:

- The person who kept calling me ANYTHING other than my name. He got other customers doing it, too, to the point where I nearly resigned. However, there was a happy ending. One of the bouncers gave him a right pasting (he didn't like him either) and, funnily enough, everyone started calling me by my name after that!

- The person who thought it'd be extremely funny to grab my hand and wouldn't let go (on a busy saturday night!). He let go when I dragged him over the bar.

- The customer who insisted that Nokia was a Japanese company, until I corrected him.

- The pub DJ who said "I want to send my kid to a private school, because, no disrespect, I don't want to end up like you!". I, respectfully, pointed out that this job was a part-time job whilst I studied at university (I passed with honours, by the way. He still DJ's.).

- And my favourite, the group of yobbos who kept calling me "Asif" (I am of an ethnic persuasion) even though my name wasn't. Again, this stopped quickly, when I pointed out that, in actual fact, THEIR name was "Asif". As in "Asif they're going to get served, they carry on like this". Needless to say, they got the message.

In the interests of balance, I would like to write about some of the lovely customers I actually enjoyed serving. They are:

- The couple who used to come in every Sunday for lunch and used to leave me a tip. Even when I was working in the kitchen and didn't see them, they always bought me a drink for after my shift.

- The two old dears, who were friendly but babbled a little (They used to call a microwave oven a "micro-oven"). They used to leave me a 10p tip. Even though it wasn't much, it still meant a lot to me.

- The old scottish couple who came in for lunch every sunday, but never left me a tip. Then one christmas they gave me a christmas card with a fiver stuffed in it.

- The bouncers who used to protect me from horrible customers. (Though, one of the bouncers, (jokingly, no malice) beat me up. I did have it coming. I called him a "nonce of the highest order". Bouncers can be so touchy!)

- The young lads who looked like chavs, but were really, nice blokes.

- The quite sexy girls (in a "girl-next-door" kind of way) who bought me a drink at christmas and new year. This one meant a lot to me, because prior to that I thought I was invisible to the opposite gender!

It was a mixed bag at my old job. But I'll always remember the good customers. They made my terrible job worth coming in for. :O)
(, Fri 5 Sep 2008, 10:30, 2 replies)
My nan still calls them 'michaelwaves'.
(, Fri 5 Sep 2008, 11:19, closed)
Asif they did do that.
Get it? eh? :D
This the train to hull?
all aboard.
(, Fri 5 Sep 2008, 11:43, closed)

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