The customer is always right. And yet, as 'listentomyopinion' writes, this is utter bollocks.
Tell us of the customers who were wrong, wrong, wrong but you still had to smile at (if only to take their money.)
( , Thu 4 Sep 2008, 16:42)
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As mentioned in a previous post I once had the pleasure of McEmployment. I anticipate and look forward to a rich vein of hatred and bile being mined by my fellow ex and current fast foodies during this qotw. It's an industry which really does attract the custom of the absolute worst of the scum and twattery in this world.
Nonetheless they do, on occasion, provide a golden moment or two.
I was working on a till during breakfast. It was sufficiently early that the store was pretty quiet and the area manager, who was a weapons-grade twat himself, happened to be there to see how things were going. This made the store manager a bit jumpy because he was being assessed for a franchise. The store I worked in was used to train potential store managers before they were given one of their own. It was a busy place and usually turned a decent profit, so as long as you didn't fuck it up completely then you were basically a shoe-in for one of your own.
This particular store manager was okay, a bit of a dickhead, perhaps, but no danger to himself or others and tolerable as a boss.
On this morning, with the area manager in attendance, he was particularly eager to please and had obviously been reading his copy of McHowToBeJollyNiceToTheCustomers.
So when one of the breakfast regulars, a sallow, miserable looking old git, bowled up to the tills he spotted an opportunity to deliver some Excellent Service right underneath the area manager's nose and collect a big gold star for the 'Gives a toss about the customers' test.
Sadly he didn't leave it there, but followed the regular over to his seat and attempted to engage him in further conversation. The regular, who had just pulled out his newspaper and was about to commit plastic knife and fork to cardboard pancake, looked up as the approaching store manager fired off his opening salvo of 'Good morning!! You're in here quite often at this time aren't you!'
The regular's response will remain with me for a long time...
'FUCK OFF and leave me alone! I just want to read my paper and eat my breakfast in peace without being bothered by anyone. If you can't do that then I'm going to eat somewhere else!'
The expression on the area manager's face was expensive, the expression on the store manager's face was priceless. I suddenly found some work that needed to be done under the counter so that I could indulge in quiet hysterics unobserved.
I never saw the regular again. Shame really, as I wanted to at least give him a free coffee or a donut by way of thanks for making my day.
( , Fri 5 Sep 2008, 19:37, Reply)
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