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This is a question Customers from Hell

The customer is always right. And yet, as 'listentomyopinion' writes, this is utter bollocks.

Tell us of the customers who were wrong, wrong, wrong but you still had to smile at (if only to take their money.)

(, Thu 4 Sep 2008, 16:42)
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I am annoyed.com

So I've posted before about McDonald's and customer shittyness, but today really took the piss.

Shift was goin well today, everything was fine and customers were happy. Except one.

He came in mobile phone in hand and ordered his food. He took his food with a big shiny smile. Only he left his big shiny phone on the front counter.

As we live in a pretty nice town, someone found it and handed it in. I go through the phone book looking for a home number, which I find and dutifully call. Get through to him and he seems quite pleasant and says thanks and he will pick it up in half an hour.

So half hour goes by and some lady comes in saying her husband left a phone on the front counter about 35 minutes ago. I ask her to describe the make, model and colour to me, which she does with ease. I asked her how she knew a phone had been left here and she said that her husband received a call from the shift manager (i.e ME) about half hour ago to inform him, and she was picking it up for him.

So far so good. It sounds so painstakingly genuine that I hand over the phone. Everything matches everything so why wouldnt I?

Only it wasn't. About an hour later this bloke walks in and asks if he can have his phone. Now this was the only phone that had been handed in all day, so I was confused. After explaining that the phone had already been picked up, his face turned what a can only call a lovely glowing burgendy, and I swear some steam was coming out of his ears.

The pleasant man from the phone had gone and was replaced with a the sort of behaviour that would make a chav proud with a voice of 120db and a swear word consistently added between each word.

After explaining that we checked before handing the phone over, he proceeded to blame each and every member of staff for conspiring against him and setting him up so he lost his 'Important Works Phone' (The Important Works Phone that he so carelessly left in front of each and every customer that enters McDonald's).

He demands the police and CCTV. So I call the police and show him round the CCTV.

It turns out that the lady was his wife, but they were currently going through divorce proceedings. He went up hers before he came to McD's and he phoned her and asked was it there. When she said no, he said it was either there or McDonald's so he would try McDonald's.

Cogs started turning. Everything clicked. That's how she knew so much. BECAUSE HE FUCKING TOLD HER!!!

Just then the police got there. Before I could open my mouth, he pointed directly at me and shouted rather loudly 'THIS CUNT IS FUCKING MY EX WIFE AND NOW HE'S GIVEN HER MY PHONE. ARREST HIM.'

Now while I found this quite hysterical, I am 21. This woman was at least 50, and as nice as MILF's can be, she had more wrinkles than an elephants arse. Now I can empathise with him, he'd just lost a £200+ phone and he was having a divorce. He clearly had a shite day.

One officer lead him to the car while the other looked over the CCTV footage with me. After the officer agreed that it was his own stupid fault, he told me not to worry as he was one of his neighbours and he's a 'Bit Of An Arse' to put it frankly.

After supplying the local bobbies with some free caffine for their troubles, I went back to work.

I really hope he never comes in again for fear of me laughing in hisface about how pathetic his life is.

Apologies for length and lack of exciting ending. Just had to get it off my chest.

I love you all people!
(, Sat 6 Sep 2008, 2:18, 2 replies)
what a tosser!
They must train you guys well, I'd have given him a slap and put his head in a deep fat fryer the ducking smarmy twunt!
(, Sat 6 Sep 2008, 8:51, closed)
Bloody hell, you poor kid
Have a click on me. And I hope the rest of your week goes much better.
(, Sat 6 Sep 2008, 16:08, closed)

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