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This is a question Customers from Hell

The customer is always right. And yet, as 'listentomyopinion' writes, this is utter bollocks.

Tell us of the customers who were wrong, wrong, wrong but you still had to smile at (if only to take their money.)

(, Thu 4 Sep 2008, 16:42)
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Reptile Shop
Working where I do I gat quite a few extra days of during the year, and occasionally my brothers boss asks if I’ll do some work for him in his reptile shop. This involves cleaning out cages of snakes, lizards, spiders and other things.

Some of the things that I’ve overheard in the shop make me wonder and if there should be a cull of our stupid population.

The best of the beauties are;

“Do you need a male and a female for them to have babies?” – From a man with his teenage kid!

“What kind of snake is that?” – All the cages have what’s in the cage written on it!

“I would like to buy a snake that I can wear round my neck when I go out.” – FFS!

“So I can keep this tortoise in my back garden then? – Actually no, they need heating!

“I don’t need a vivarium for the monitor lizard, I’m just going to let it run about my house.” – OK so you intend to keep your house at 30oC all the time?

I sometimes think that people can’t be that stupid, and then my brother will tell me about the idiots he’s had at his work that day and I cry for humanity.
(, Mon 8 Sep 2008, 13:11, 3 replies)
'Do you need a male and a female for them to have babies?'
isn't that stupid, considering some lizard species breed without fertilisation. He might have wanted reassurance that if he bought just a female he wouldn't've ended up with baby lizards.
(, Mon 8 Sep 2008, 17:00, closed)
I work in a pet shop too...
why is it when you're trying to clean out the cages or feed the animals, ther's suddenly a crowd of onlookers. FFs you wouldn't get that if someone was cleaning up spilled milk at Lidl's. Best one I ever got asked - Burmese Python - 'where do they come from?' umm Burma perchance?
(, Mon 8 Sep 2008, 20:17, closed)
True Todd
but there are only 4 know species which do.
(, Tue 9 Sep 2008, 20:54, closed)

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