Dad stories
"Do anything good for your birthday?" one of your friendly B3TA moderator team asked in one of those father/son phone calls that last two minutes. "Yep," he said, "Your mum." Tell us about dads, lack of dad and being a dad.
Suggested by bROKEN aRROW
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 25 Nov 2010, 11:50)
no, not everyone.
did you?
blaireau69 , the Cumbrian Travis Bickle., Thu 25 Nov 2010, 17:24,
1 reply)
My dad paid my mortgage for me.
Amorous Badger NAKED BEA ARTHUR PHOTOS 4U, Thu 25 Nov 2010, 17:33,
glued eel /questions/questionsyoudliketoask/post1648081, Thu 25 Nov 2010, 17:41,
my dad read us stories and sang with us and taught us how to polish shoes and make soup.
sleepybinky, Thu 25 Nov 2010, 17:44,
They tuck you up, your Mum and Dad
wotofco pissing in your swimming pool, Thu 25 Nov 2010, 18:00,
or after he bummed you? ;)
bROKEN aRROW PUA HVI Master, Thu 25 Nov 2010, 17:53,