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Home » Question of the Week » Dad Jokes » Post 2841 | Search
This is a question Dad Jokes

We want to know the lame jokes your Dad makes. E.g. On your mum putting the roast on the table, "All for me? What are you going to eat?" On writing you a cheque for £350, "Three pound fifty? That's cheap." - What are the frankly rubbish gags your dad cracks again and again? WARNING: If you become a dad you'll be doing this stuff too.

(, Wed 10 Dec 2003, 2:09)
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Dancing dad
Not so much a bad dad joke - it was more of an action. This only happened when friends were around and Top of the Pops was on telly. 'oooh, I like this one' he would say, whilst making little train arm movements and shuffling, arse-first across the room.
(, Wed 10 Dec 2003, 9:43, Reply)

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