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This is a question Darwin Awards

Bluffboy says: My mate cheated death and burned his eyebrows off looking down the barrel of a potato gun. Tell us about your brushes with the Grim Reaper through stupidity.

(, Thu 12 Feb 2009, 20:01)
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ha ha this story really made me laugh, like a "choose your own adventure" book.

I love the idea of stoned paranoid people suddenly running for it.

"Hello. My name is Magresh".
(, Wed 18 Feb 2009, 11:21, 1 reply)
think yerselves lucky.

mate of mine accepted a dinner invitation in India in 2002 and ended up spending two weeks chained up in a mountain hut by the bloke who went on to kidnap/murder Daniel Pearl.

first we knew was the press conference on the news when they were freed - cue dropping tea and spluttering bloody hell, that's rhys! on teh news!
(, Wed 18 Feb 2009, 12:22, closed)
This is Lonely Planet's fault isn't it?

"Never offend the locals by refusing a dinner invitation".
"Locals may attack you in the street. Accept that this is part of their culture".
(, Wed 18 Feb 2009, 12:49, closed)
Aah guys
Despite my seemingly negative story, India IS a beautiful place, don't get me wrong, the slums of Mumbai were at points horrifying, but until you've seen a sandstorm roll over a blue city, or watched the sun suddenly sink into horizon burning red over a silver sea, or walked through a temple carved ENTIRELY from a HUGE block of marble... then don't judge.

I admit, my own naivety led me into most of those chaotic situations, but at the end of the day, i have a mean scar and great memories.

I'm definately going to go back... :)
(, Thu 19 Feb 2009, 0:11, closed)

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