Dates Gone Wrong
Ever gone on a date when "she" turned out to be a male university lecturer in his 50s who tucked his shirt into his Y-fronts? No, me neither. Tell us how it all went shit-faced.
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 4 Sep 2014, 13:13)
American Dates
I mean, putting the day in the
middle? Pshaw.
Amish Information Systems hates misplaced, commas, Thu 4 Sep 2014, 15:15,
3 replies)
ISO 8601!
or ISO 2014 if you're a traditionalist.
eViLegion Chief Commissioner of the Scottish Lunacy Board, Thu 4 Sep 2014, 16:14,
I heard you liked to go in the middle.
For clarity, I'm implying that you like to be spitroasted.
Roger McGough-Pipe, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 11:48,