My current dentist is called Mr Stiff.
Back when I was at university though, I had enormous pain in my jaw one morning - so bad I went as an emergency case to the uni dentist.
He took one look at the back of my mouth and said, "Ah, wisdom teeth. Impacted. They'll have to come out."
He then reached under the chair and came out with an enormous industrial (and entirely non-dental) pair of pliers, "I can do it now if you want..."
( , Thu 2 Nov 2006, 14:31)
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I've posted this before in Missing Body parts, but you're having it again, because you love the length (and also because I was late getting it in last time)
For some reason, 4 of my back teeth (not my wisdoms, the set before) had grown out of my gums with very little enamel. This was not due to overeating sweeties, or anything else that could be labelled as 'my fault' it was just my bodies way of saying it couldn't be arsed being normal, and would rather do things its own way. The Dentist had a name for this, Hyopplastic-somethingorother.
Anywho, I'd been seeing an NHS Dentist for years, as i'd had to go to the hospital for Physio on my arm (that's another story!) and it'd seemed convenient to see the Dentist at the same time too, so this Dentist told me my teeth where fine.
Now a few weeks later, my parents had been going to see their own Dentist at a private clinic, and said I should come along, so i did. Anyway, get to this private dentist, he takes one look in me mouth and says that there's not enough enamal on 4 of my teeth, and they'll need to be sorted otherwise i'm buggered. He said that this prob was caused when the teeth where developing, when i was a kid, so how the hell the NHS Dentist missed it, I'll never know.
He then tells me, that cos of other complications (yes, my body's a strange one), I can't have them filled. Fucksocks. They're gonna have to come out. Guess what, due to these same complications, they want to do it under General Anasthetic, and i'd be better off letting the NHS boys and girls do it.
Priv dentist sent a letter off to the NHS Dents, about 4 months later, they got it, and asked me to come in so they could see if the other guy was right. Sheesh, he wrote them a damn letter, what more do they want?! A few weeks later i trundle in for my appointment, after much umming and aaahing, they decide he's right. Few more months later, i go in to have them whipped out, appointment has been moved to next day, but coz i'm not meant to eat anything, they'd rather i stayed overnight so they can make sure, apparently they don't think that scousers are trustworthy. So next day, have it done and they get put in a plastic tube to keep. Yay. I then get a fever and have to stay in hospital for an extra 3 days, for what should have been a 12 hour stay. After examining my teeth in their plastic tube, i notice that one seems to have a mass of stuff on the root that the others don't. Ask the nurse what it is. "Oh its bone". So apparently, not only am i missing 4 teeth, a little section of bone somewhere in my mouth had to come out to.
I bet you're thinking its over now? Nope! A few months later, i head back to priv dentist (can't be arsed with NHS ones now) and he asks how it was, and takes a look. He then tells me the nice fact that they didnt actually do what he asked, and took 2 wrong ones. So i'm missing 2 perfectly good teeth. Bastards. After more cockery with letters and waiting times, that ended up nearly 6 months later, I'm in again with the NHS dentists, this time, they decide they'll do it under local, and they'll fill them, something they'd said they couldn't do last time. Of course by this time, the thin layer of enamel that was there, had pretty much buggered off, leaving me with pretty sensitive teeth. And by sensitive, i mean it hurt like f**k everytime i ate anything at all.
Nasty looking needle stuck in my mouth, hurt like fuck, i can still feel it now when i think about it. Then they did whatever it is dentists do when they fill teeth, with noisy drill like instruments that feel like they are cutting your teeth in half. Alas my tale of woe does not end there, as before they could actually fill them, they realised that they had to flatten them or some bollocks, so cue more parts of teeth dissapearing (and this all started because there was a little enamel missing, so they end up taking stuff away?) so then after what seemed like ages i was allowed to fuck off home where i lay around for days writhing in pain.
Back to Private Dentist, who comments on what a crap job they've done...and...yep, you guessed it, they still havn't sorted the bitching problem out. I let him do the dentistry the last time, top chap, didnt hurt half as much as it had done with the NHS dentists, and he actually got it done.
Heres a pic, of the 4 that were removed, yeh i still have them. One on the far left is the one with the bit of bone on it.

Now here's a bit that I havn't posted before, as it's carried on since then.
I went to see my private dentist bod again, as I had teethache that was exactly like I'd had before they'd 'fixed' them last time, it was a completely different person this time around, so had to relate to them my rather long story, anyway, tap tap, poke poke, a few "does this hurt"s later, and she decides i need more fillings, oh yay and woo. She was connected rather well, so got me an appointment with my favourite NHS buddies again pretty quickly, and I went in to have a root canal this time! It was all very well done, very little pain afterwards, much less than the last few times i'd had dentists rooting around in my mouth. Was a long procedure, should have taken 2 days apparently, but because of the problem of sticking needles in my gum (I bruise and bleed easily) she wanted to get it done in one day, so I was in the chair for a good few hours, but the dentist was great, she let me use my mp3 player, and I blasted some Megadeth which got me through, she was really friendly and was always asking how i was, really made up for the arse's that had done it previously. Oh, and when she finally got the tooth open or whatever, she found out that the end is curved, so she wasn't able to clean it out properly, so theres always a chance it could re-arse up, damnit!!
Anyway, a few weeks ago I was back in hospital for more physio, went to see the dentist, after X-Raying me again (the ammount of bloody X-Rays i've had, i'm sure i'm radioactive!) she said i was fine...oh yes, you know what's coming now don't you... 10 days later, i go to the private dentist, and he says "oh you've got a hole in that tooth, I'll need to fill that" .. .. .. If he hadn't had his hand down my god I would've screamed. Loudly.
Apologies for the length, you'll get used to it once you've had a dentist ram his hand down your throat. This QOTW is giving me toothache!
( , Thu 2 Nov 2006, 17:16, Reply)
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