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This is a question Dentists

My current dentist is called Mr Stiff.

Back when I was at university though, I had enormous pain in my jaw one morning - so bad I went as an emergency case to the uni dentist.

He took one look at the back of my mouth and said, "Ah, wisdom teeth. Impacted. They'll have to come out."

He then reached under the chair and came out with an enormous industrial (and entirely non-dental) pair of pliers, "I can do it now if you want..."

(, Thu 2 Nov 2006, 14:31)
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The second dentist.
I finally got the courage to go back to a dentist after about 15 years. I was pleasantly surprised to only need a couple of fillings. Unfortunately, the anaesthetic didn't work on me so the drilling was agonising (there's a theme here).

The dentists decided I must have had an infection which was making the anaesthetic not work, so just put in a few temporary fillings and asked me to come back a week later after a course of anti-biotics.

This all seemed ok and I thought I was getting over my obviously irrational fear of dentists, I had just been unlucky before that was all.

Wrong. A week later after the course of drugs I go to my previously arranged next appointment with new dentist. Which has gone, closed down, no forwarding address.


I have decided to either let all my teeth rot in my head or to do what some other b3tans seem to do and find a buxom female dentist so at least I can turn it into some bizarre fetish when she's causing me pain.
(, Fri 3 Nov 2006, 16:23, Reply)

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