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This is a question Dentists

My current dentist is called Mr Stiff.

Back when I was at university though, I had enormous pain in my jaw one morning - so bad I went as an emergency case to the uni dentist.

He took one look at the back of my mouth and said, "Ah, wisdom teeth. Impacted. They'll have to come out."

He then reached under the chair and came out with an enormous industrial (and entirely non-dental) pair of pliers, "I can do it now if you want..."

(, Thu 2 Nov 2006, 14:31)
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A Riposte
To your riposte...

You condescending twunt.

but now you people sit on your fat arses watching Tricia or the fucking Jeremy Kyle show or you do some job that I imagine isn't very difficult or makes much difference to anyone

So allow me to retort......

Here on B3ta we've lawyers, doctors (including at least 1 surgeon), dozens of computer experts, pilots, members of the Armed Forces (officers and squaddies), several members of the emergency services, authors, teachers and Uncle Tom Cobley and all. In fact, pretty much any occupation you can care to name is represented here in B3ta.

And then we've you. A self-important, failed doctor who thinks pain is something to be embraced and not avoided. A cheerless bigot who assumes that people who read B3ta have the same tastes in TV as you do - namely Trisha and Jeremy Kyle.

So go catch some painful illness and then come back here and impress us all with your manly refusal to take pain meds.


(, Thu 9 Nov 2006, 14:52, Reply)

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