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This is a question My Biggest Disappointment

Often the things we look forward to the most turn out to be a huge let down. As Freddy Woo puts it, "High heels in bed? No fun at all. Porn has a lot to answer for."

Well, Freddy, you are supposed to get someone else to wear them.

What's disappointed you lot?
null points for 'This QOTW'

(, Thu 26 Jun 2008, 14:15)
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Why, when I have brown hair, is my beard borderline ginger, godammit?

Stupid stupid recessive-gene follicles.

Still, I think it looks good.

Length? You could shelter a vole under it.
(, Fri 27 Jun 2008, 16:50, 10 replies)
I have the exact same problem
stupid ginger father.
(, Fri 27 Jun 2008, 17:27, closed)
at least you have one
the most I can manage is a lop-sided goatee.
(, Fri 27 Jun 2008, 18:23, closed)
except my hair is BLACK. A couple of days growth and I have a Columbian drug barons goatee, go 3 or 4 days and the ginger starts peeking through, a week and that's it - I'M A FUCKIN' GINGER!
(, Fri 27 Jun 2008, 18:45, closed)
(, Fri 27 Jun 2008, 19:52, closed)
Me too
ginger dad - I have black hair with an increasing amount of grey flecks. That's right, ladies. Grey!
(, Fri 27 Jun 2008, 20:00, closed)
My facial hair's great
I'll shave, and I'll be practically without stubble for a couple of days.
If I leave it a week, it gets to about 5mm long.
And stops there. My last shave was on the 23rd May, and it's still not grown noticeably.

I hate the hairless patches under my chin, though. And the way the right-hand side is thicker than the left.
(, Fri 27 Jun 2008, 20:28, closed)
Quite frankly I am now old and lazy

Fuck spending the best part of 15 minutes every morning poncing around with a razor and usually discombobulating parts of my fizzog, followed by pouring neat alcohol posing as aftershave into the gaping wounds!

I have been growing the full Brian Blessed for a couple of years now and it is blissfull.

I plan to retire soon, collecting nesting birds in my "Brian" and shouting at the TV.
(, Fri 27 Jun 2008, 20:38, closed)
(, Fri 27 Jun 2008, 20:39, closed)
same porblem. mum has brown hair, dads was black, mines brown, my goatee is ginger. ffs.
(, Sat 28 Jun 2008, 3:43, closed)
Ginga and proud!
Not only is my beard ginger, my hair is, my eyebrows are, and yes by all the gods I have the gingeriest pubes in the known world.

We are not intimidated by your fear of us, we know we are the ginga army, and we _will_ destroy you.

At night, so we don't get sunburn.
(, Wed 2 Jul 2008, 16:46, closed)

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