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This is a question DIY disasters

I just can't do power tools. They always fly out of control and end up embedded somewhere they shouldn't. I've no idea how I've still got all the appendages I was born with.

Add to that the fact that nothing ends up square, able to support weight or free of sticking-out sharp bits and you can see why I try to avoid DIY.

Tell us of your own DIY disasters.

(, Thu 3 Apr 2008, 17:19)
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OK, project list
We have a two bedroomed flat. It's a good size, and we bought it last year. However, since I moved in there is a lack of space due to all the accumulated crap I brought with me. To create a bit of additional living space we want to:

Do the loft out as a computer room / hidey-hole as I'm sick of the computer living in our bedroom. Plus I'd like somewhere to be able to just escape to occasionally and gorge myself stupid on old Doctor Who videos...

I'd quite like a new kitchen as well. The one we have is perfectly serviceable, but not very attractive.

To go with the shower being installed, the bathroom could do with being revamped a bit. I like the idea of wall-to-wall tiles, having seen next door's...

We had a bit of an extension put in down in the entrance lobby, which still needs plastered to cover up the bare brick.

However, given that I detest upheaval and dust and mess, this may take a while...
(, Fri 4 Apr 2008, 15:27, Reply)

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