As a teenager I went to the Venice Carnival. I made a mask out of a paper plate, got a metal coathanger and bent it into horns around my head and draped a black tshirt over that. At the time I thought I looked really cool, but thinking it over...
Tell us about your own oh-so-cool fashion innovations.
( , Thu 24 Aug 2006, 14:24)
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Anyone who actually noticed me at 6th form where we had to wear our own clothes would probably remember. I yearned for the white shirt and blue and yellow tie with blue jumper because otherwise, I had no bleeding IDEA how to wear clothes. Some highlights include:
1. Green kakhi combats with a bright pink fuzzy rollneck angora jumper. ( Think I was attempting punk, but punk only seems to work if you're ickle )
2. Lots of rollneck jumpers despite the knowledge that even getting down to victoria beckham size wont remove my double chin.
3. Bright Green festival ( "rave"? ) canvas trousers with a cream primark men's jumper in XXL and a black and white bobble hat with flaps on the side and tassles down the sides as well. ( I *think* I was attempting skater ).
4. on "smart" days, clown style baggy grey trousers with ANOTHER rollneck jumper.
5. In the spring and summer, a reliance on my mother's clothes before she lost about 4 stone in weight: So lots of what I call "Jesus shirts" ( those linen things without a collar ), one with bells on the tassles.
6. Lots of 80s jackets ( it was 2001 ) with giant padded shoulders and brass buttons off my mother - an attempt at "nautical" I think.
7. Homemade belts from wooly scarfs, random bits of fabric, one time a bin liner...
8. Salt dough brooches - usually a cottage or a doll.
Even with the school uniform I couldn't get it right. My idea of rebellion in a bog-standard comprehensive where most people had mastered the vicky pollard style to school uniform was a giant knee length pleated skirt in year 10 ( I had to *beg* my fashionable mother to get me one ) , knee high blue socks and bright green gortex hiking boots. Going further back, we have my addiction to floral dresses from children's world and mothercare when everyone else in my school were preparing for the vicky pollard stage by wearing makeup and jeans with camisole tops and suchlike...
And the best one? One knitted waistcoat, complete with 70s craftbook style embroidered flowers and birds in primary colours with sewn in circles of "mirrored" plastic. I got it at 11 and kept begging my mother to let me wear it again as a teenager, even up until the age of 19 "oh come'on, the people at college will love it!".
Looking back, I don't regret one IOTA of any of these, even the combo that provoked the response from a friend "if you wear that again I'm not hanging round with you anymore".
Especially since now I work in a nail salon and they like making the nails really long and putting a different design on each one... ;-)
( , Thu 24 Aug 2006, 16:14, Reply)
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