Captain Placid asks: What annoying things do significant others, workmates and other people in general do that drive you up the wall? Do you want to kill your other half over their obsessive fridge magnet collection? Driven to distraction over your manager's continued use of Comic Sans (The Font of Champions)? Tell us.
( , Thu 4 Oct 2012, 12:11)
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I have a mate who has the most amazing job. Well it's more than good, higher than average salary, in an industry that goes from strength to strength. However, all she does is moan and complain. Practically everything she gets asked to do, or does on her own accord is a problem. No one in the company senior or junior knows how to do their job. If she does for example - not two minutes ago I received this message 'Remember that HTML I did the other day?' (what the code that I found for you online?) 'The MD doesn't like it - see what my day is like, I hate this job!'.
She constantly, incessantly has these issues and I have to listen to them, when I offer a solution, or advice does she ever bother taking it? No of course. Months and months ago I told her that she needed to get in with the MD and speak to him directly as there was to be a reshuffle and my friend would be getting a new boss. So perfect time to reshape her 'unhappy' role. Did she bother, no. So as a result the tasks that she liked, the bits and pieces of her role she enjoyed have been taken off her and her boss now looks after them.
Guess what this has resulted in, daily, almost hourly moans and complaints. She said the other day, she feels she has been side lined and her new boss is being all pally with the MD to get her way. No shit spock.
But the worst, the thing that really grates my nerves. I use Whats-app, a simple messaging service that uses data plan rather than my texts. Its good, and although I can set the alert tone to whatever I want, whichever/whatever I choose soon starts to get on my nerves. Here in lies the problem, rather than writing a few lines of whatever she wishes to moan about so the phone beeps just the once, she will write one sentence, or one word, then a few seconds later another, then another...
Whilst on the subject, money. I work for myself, and things can be tough. However she will constantly moan about being skint. Yes she has a mortgage, car and bills (never puts the heating on though) but she will buy the nastiest cheap food in the world. Not just super market own, but the worst cuts of meat, just nasty stuff - so whilst claiming poverty, scrimping and being a miser, she still manages to receive several parcels of clothes a week. Grrrrrrrrrrr.
This probably makes no sense, so:
tl:dr. mate has good job but finds any opportunity to complain, never takes advice, makes phone beep alot, pleads poverty yet spends hundreds every week on clothes.
( , Thu 4 Oct 2012, 15:56, 2 replies)

why not be a mate and (as gently as possible) tell her this? Try to help her see the positives, and change the negatives any way she can.
Or are you just putting up with a barrage of whinge in the hope of nailing her?
( , Thu 4 Oct 2012, 18:46, closed)

I have tried every tactic, advice, being blunt, just listening, I constantly tell her to look on the positive side, its one of the only ways I can cope with crap I receive.
I will be kind on this one, not only is my girlfriend soon to become my fiancee, this girl has hit every branch of the ugly tree, after the ugly tree was made to feel sick by her presence.
( , Thu 4 Oct 2012, 19:05, closed)
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