Captain Placid asks: What annoying things do significant others, workmates and other people in general do that drive you up the wall? Do you want to kill your other half over their obsessive fridge magnet collection? Driven to distraction over your manager's continued use of Comic Sans (The Font of Champions)? Tell us.
( , Thu 4 Oct 2012, 12:11)
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This one happened only last week and I’m still fuming/ washing myself with bleach.
A few times a week I like to come in to work on my trusty bike. The place I work at has a shower in the mens toilet and so I get a chance to wash any dirt/dead bugs that ventured into my path off of me before getting dressed and acting like a good little IT salesperson.
To lighten the load I usually try and bring a few items in with me when I have the car and leave them at work. A few others have also taken up the idea of cycling to work and have also started doing the same, one of them is a guy called S.
S is a typical stereotype for our industry, he’s pretty geeky, classes dungeons and dragons figures as friends, would probably marry a server if he could and has certain hygiene issues at times (He used to cycle into work in his shirt and tie before being persuaded by the higher ups that the sight of a guy with sweat patches under his armpits is a surefire way to put off any clients that visit (And fellow workers).
Anywhoo I arrived at work slightly knackered but feeling ok, grabbed my work clothes and headed for the shower room. The place had already been used and S had taken up most of the room with his stuff. I muttered something to myself but was thankful that my towel was still on the radiator where I had left it the night before. One quick shower later and I jump out, grab my towel and commence drying…hang on, my towel seems a little wet thinks I while wrapping it round my waist. I then feel the cogs in my head slowly grind and come up with a solution…see the clothes that S was wearing…..hmm no sign of his usual purple rag that he dries himself with…that’s odd I saw the wet footprints away from the shower when I came into the room…now I think of it I put the towel on a lower part of the radiator last night….*Alarm Bell rings and Mon attempts to back off from the towel wrapped around his waist*
Drying off with a damp towel is one thing but drying off with one that has been used by a bloke that I hardly know is another thing altogether. Not only that what I do know of him does not put him anywhere on my list of people I would actually want to share a towel with.
After realising I had no other option (and making a mental note to go home and scub myself with an industrial sander) I got dried whilst weeping, then dressed and went to confront S. Seeing that the usual happy and chirpy looking Mon was bearing down on him looking like the Incredible Hulks wimpier-but-just-as-angry brother S realised that the best thing to do was to quickly pick up his desk phone and pretend he was on a call.I fumed beside him for a moment, taking it out on the resident toy mascot and then wandered off to complain somewhere else.
I eventually confronted him later that day and was told that he didn’t move my towel but knocked it off and moved it as he got out of the shower while he went to towel himself with the shirt he wore while cycling in. I suggested he should work in sales with that level of bullcrap.
Apologies for length, but yours would be the same if you found out that you were drying off with a towel that someone else had used.
( , Wed 10 Oct 2012, 12:11, 11 replies)

I had a cleaner who used to take a shower when she'd finished, and change from her cleaning gear to her normal clothes.
No problem, until I found my razor full of hair one day. I certainly wasn't mine, and to this day I don't want to know which part of her anatomy she had been shaving.
Duly sacked, she didn't come back to collect her old teeshirt and shorts she used to keep in the hall cupboard for work. When I got round to chucking it away, I discovered a grotty old pair of her knickers rolled up in there as well.
( , Wed 10 Oct 2012, 12:45, closed)

Only then you usually have to discover your towel in a wet heap on their bedroom floor.
( , Wed 10 Oct 2012, 13:06, closed)

from some sweaty guy you hardly know drying his bum crack with it.
( , Wed 10 Oct 2012, 13:25, closed)

I have a wife and 3 kids and am used to finding out that the towel I'm using after a shower or bath at home are a tad damp and throwm on the floor right in front of the radiator, I accept that it will happen.
But as Username has said this wasn't some family member it was one fo the scruffbags from work who I hardly know...thats what really made me shudder
( , Wed 10 Oct 2012, 14:04, closed)

Just wait for the day you happen to walk past a Games Workshop and suddenly stop and stare at the figures through the window.
( , Wed 10 Oct 2012, 14:44, closed)

( , Thu 11 Oct 2012, 9:35, closed)
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