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Home » Question of the Week » I was drunk when I bought this » Post 33244 | Search
This is a question I was drunk when I bought this

Last weekend I realised that I was in a shoe shop sober for the first time... which is why I have such a wierd collection of shoes I don't wear. Thank god I don't have an Ebay account.

What rubbish have you bought whilst drunk?

(, Thu 9 Jun 2005, 11:42)
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Got home drunk,
flops into sofa, switches on tv, advert announcing "this CD cannot be bought in the shops etc etc..." casually picks up phone, dials number on screen, orders cd, puts phone down, falls asleep, wakes up following morning none the wiser.

Three weeks later a four CD boxed set arrives in the post addressed to me. Scratching my head with confusion i then investigate and realise what i'd done.
Therefore i am now the proud owner of:
'Burning Heart - a collection of the most powerful soft rock anthems ever produced'

It had John Farnham on it FFS.

and Angry Anderson.

20 fucking quid :[
(, Thu 9 Jun 2005, 13:18, Reply)

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