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Watching the old man swing home from the pub and start arguing with Newsnight can be either funny, slightly unnerving or just plain terrifying. Tell us about daft things parents have done while they've been in their cups.

Suggested by NotDavidBailey, voted for by YOU

(, Thu 24 Feb 2011, 17:58)
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I've read it twice
Can you explain pls..It's either very clever or very silly :)
(, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 17:38, 2 replies)
the 12 step program
is a spiritual program, it requires faith in a higher power - bit like an invisible rowing boat. Rehabs usually (well the better ones anyway) insist that when you leave you go to AA - If you don't you'll never recover.
(, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 17:41, closed)
ah, now i understand!
being an atheist doesn't help with the spiritual side of things ;)
(, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 17:42, closed)
I'm an atheist too and it makes complete sense to me
- it all kind of rests on your interpretation of what a higher power is and what spirituality is.
(, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 17:47, closed)
That's the hardest part and what put me off for far too long.

edit: Well, not THE hardest part, obviously...
(, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 17:50, closed)
I don't see why
a higher power is simply anything and everything except the power of your own self will. Spirituality is just kindness of heart, I'm sure everyone knows a kind hearted person when they see one.


Theism or religious deities don't even come into it. It's just convienient to call it God that's all. You could equally call it fuck. e.g. "thank fuck for that" or "for fuck's sake".

The hardest bit is understanding the doctors opinion (second letter*). Most people skip that bit because it's in the forward. The doctors opinion used to be on page one (in the first edition of the book).


(, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 19:16, closed)
Oh I got there
I meant overcoming the idea that it involved God as generally perecieved was something that I had a long term problem with about the organisation as a whole long before I had even acknowledged that it may be relvant to me personally.

Or to put it another way, my atheism is so strong that I had a preformed opinion that I had to overcome before I even walked through the door.

Anyway, enough of this, We'll get accused of turning a comedy website into a therapy session if we discuss this here.
(, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 19:54, closed)
i suppose so
but i'm northern, too
(, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 17:50, closed)
I believe its a parable of sorts.
I'm not quite sure if I am misunderstanding it or if it doesn't quite work, but I am reading it as rehab will only get you on the way to sobriety, but to get and stay there you have to make it with no visible support other than faith and people in the same boat as you.
(, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 17:41, closed)
In a nut shell
that's it.
(, Wed 2 Mar 2011, 17:44, closed)
Ahh cool
I get in now, thanks.
(, Thu 3 Mar 2011, 9:22, closed)

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