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This is a question Evil Pranks

As a student Joel Veitch attached a hose from the sink into my bed. I slowly woke thinking I'd pissed myself. I had the last laugh though. He had to pay for my ruined mattress.

What's the most evil prank you've ever played on someone?

(, Thu 13 Dec 2007, 14:01)
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oh also..
And speaking of comptuer pranks, had a mate who thought it would be funny to go round half the college PCs doing a Deltree Windows. Which basically kills the windows folder and PC never boots up again.
Eventually they got really suspisious about this and realised that a PC stopped working just after he used it. I managed to sneak a text file on the root of the c drive saying "UVE BEEN NUKED BY THE OSWALD VIRUS"
Mate got let off because they realised they had a massive virus on the network and that wasnt his fault.

I had a quiet word with him and told him he shouldnt be so distructive with his pranks. Poor buggers didnt even have ghost images. They were reinstalling from scratch :)
(, Fri 14 Dec 2007, 14:38, 3 replies)
Mindless vandalism is not the same thing as a prank.
(, Fri 14 Dec 2007, 15:35, closed)
I cant agree more misanthrope
(, Fri 14 Dec 2007, 16:01, closed)
When was this?

Since windows 2000 you haven't been able to gain acces to the command prompt without loading windows first.

When doing a deltree WINDOWS /y the files need to be unused (winblows security feature).

So getting this straight, your friends vandalised windows 98 systems when you were in college?

We call you guys "Script Kiddies" and we're not impressed
(, Fri 14 Dec 2007, 20:40, closed)

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