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This is a question False Economies

Sometimes the cheapest option isn't the right one. I fondly remember my neighbours going to a well-known catalogue-based store and buying the cheapest lawnmower they stocked. How we laughed as they realised it had non-rotating wheels and died when presented with grass. Tell us about times you or others have been let down by being a cheapskate.

(, Tue 24 Jun 2014, 12:42)
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No, only some of the 147,000 managers.
The 70,000 in "hotel, etc..." (e.g. the cleaners) can stay, and receive some of your, now redundant, paycheck.

What is a towel spaz? Come to think of it, wtf IS a package holiday... do people even DO those??
Would I be able to go on one from my second home in Devon?

In any event, since you obviously have never had the kind of job where its possible to actually be sacked, and since you're in a completely biased position attempting to justify your pointless job, you basically haven't got an opinion worth considering. But, I love how you're desperately defending the tedious job that you probably hate.
(, Tue 1 Jul 2014, 17:49, 1 reply)
Your profile says that you're a package holiday tramp mate, do keep up.
Apart from the tinfoil hatting you still haven't justified how only three per cent of a workforce being in a management role can be considered in any way excessive, you massive spastic.
(, Tue 1 Jul 2014, 18:14, closed)
My profile is a web of lies spun primarily for my own entertainment. But thanks for enjoying it.

By the way, do you understand the principles of insulting someone? You have to pick on some aspect of their life about which they feel insecure, and hammer at it.

What you're doing, is either swearing unoriginally, or inventing a fictional version of your target and insulting that. Maybe if I'd ever worked in a supermarket I'd be offended that you'd scored a cheap shot at my shit job. You need to take genuine information, infer what you can, and THEN insult them.

I kinda feel bad now, cuz I've been ripping on you quite harshly all afternoon, and although you did kinda ask for it by being an unduly aggressive bellend, you probably don't deserve it in the grand scheme of things. So yeah; my advice is, if you're gonna insult someone, pick something with bite, as opposed to the last thing your children said to you.
(, Tue 1 Jul 2014, 18:48, closed)
Well I never, you post a series of sad wanker stories on a comedy website, that somehow entertain you.
Not forgetting your inability to understand a simple spreadsheet which you've adduced as your prime evidence for your halfwitted schemes. Rollercoaster doesn't even begin to describe your circumstances. Don't ever stop pretending to have once affected a German tourists mannerisms, don't ruin the dream.
(, Tue 1 Jul 2014, 19:15, closed)
Top marks for effort.
To be fair, you were the one who didn't seem to be able to add 11,193 and 26,071 together. You also don't seem to understand that "central functions" is an intentionally vague term... and such terms are used in government accounting, in order to fudge figures in order to look good. You call that tinfoil hattery, but are you honestly trying to tell me that governments wouldn't try to influence the reported figures to support their desired viewpoint? We cannot say what proportion of the central functions block are bureaucrats, but as a maximum bound it would make it closer to 12% of staff being managerial, and 3% as a minimum bound only. It seems you don't really understand the spreadsheet.

Er, what schemes?
"Slightly bored, and winding up an apparently angry man." begins to describe my circumstances.
"Going home now, so you can win if you want." ends the description of my circumstances.

Sorry for ruining your weird dream, I guess.
(, Tue 1 Jul 2014, 20:16, closed)
Any time you need a dig out with not understanding a spreadsheet showing how stupid you are I'll be here for you pal.

(, Wed 2 Jul 2014, 8:09, closed)
Wow, you genuinely are thick aren't you?
Basically you were kinda fun yesterday, what with you getting all serious about your fascinating career in hospital misadministration, but even the most committed couldn't really be arsed to take this forward to a second day.

Your approach of reiterating bad insults because you can't think of anything funnier simply isn't very entertaining, and your commitment to government pencil pushing, while commendable, is the most tediously mediocre thing I've ever heard of.

So go on... call me a tard again. I know you want to.
(, Wed 2 Jul 2014, 10:08, closed)
That's both "fascinating" AND well paid to you !!
(, Wed 2 Jul 2014, 10:45, closed)

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