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This is a question Famous people I hate

Michael McIntyre, says our glorious leader. Everyone loves Michael McIntyre. Even the Daily Mail loves Michael McIntyre. Therefore, he must be a git. Who gets on your nerves?

Hint: A list of names, possibly including the words 'Katie Price' and 'Nuff said' does not an interesting answer make

(, Thu 4 Feb 2010, 12:21)
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I can’t be the only one…
So, every morning, I head out, bleary-eyed, and far from bushy tailed, to catch the little bus that runs from my village, through a couple of others, then into the gleaming metropolis of Oxford.

I get on at about halfway through the bus’s total journey, and there are generally only a few on before me. We head off, and get to the next village along, which is where the bus fills up.

This is where the hatred begins…

In this village, there is a guy who gets on most days, and is also on the bus on the way home with me, most days. He is about my age, shaved head, office trousers, sometimes jeans, typical brown loafers/shoes, black jacket, and often a black beany.

He sometimes has to sit next to me, when the bus is full, and he splays his legs, so I end up squished into the corner, and listens to relatively loud music. Loud enough for me to be able to tell what the song is, but not loud enough for me to be able to sing along.

This, whilst being irritating, just means I turn my music up, and read my book to avoid him.

But for some strange reason, I loathe this guy. I imagine his name is Rick, or Rich, or something like that, and every time I see him at the bus stop, I grimace a little, as he has become my arch-nemesis. It is completely irrational, but I hate his little baldy head, and his stupid attire, straight from the shop window of Next. And the way he sits. And the music he listens to (he has made me reconsider my like of The Libertines). And absolutely everything about him. Writing this now, I am slowly stewing and hope I don’t see him on the bus, as I am likely to want to knock is head off!

And there is absolutely no reason for this. I am sure he is probably a nice guy, but I can’t see this through the red mist that descends every time I see him.

I know that if at some point in my life, I end up in a fight to the death, or have to save my family from some heinous overlord, he will be the aggressor, and I will have to fight for all that is right in the world…

Does anyone else hate random people in the street, for no reason other than you do?

Length, about half an hour every morning and night…
(, Thu 4 Feb 2010, 18:09, 6 replies)
He sounds really famous.

(, Thu 4 Feb 2010, 18:13, closed)
in my excitement to post a story, I missed the famous bit.

Maybe I make an edit to say he is famous round these here parts...
(, Thu 4 Feb 2010, 18:55, closed)
No, but...
...once about four of us lads were walking down the road, and this bloke outside a house shouted something to the effect of 'come on then' but was only staring at one of us. We stopped, confused, and he was staring at our mate with an evil grin and gesturing him to come get some.
We asked what his problem was, but he didn't answer OR break his stare once. After 15 seconds I said "I think he's on DRUGS!", and we all went "ohhhh!" and continued on our way, keeping one eye on him. He didn't move, or blink, just stood there all cocksure with a (potentially) belittling teeth-bared smile.

Nothing came of it, but quite why he took a sudden hatred towards my mate,and why he was so confident (he wasn't scrawny, but not at all built) I'll never know for sure.
(, Thu 4 Feb 2010, 18:47, closed)
Maybe he didn't like the cut of his jib?

(, Fri 5 Feb 2010, 11:40, closed)
If you are a bloke
touch his leg and rest your hand on his thigh. This will result in him sitting at the far end of the bus in future, or the pair of you will be out looking at curtains together at the weekend.
(, Thu 4 Feb 2010, 20:36, closed)
That's actually not such a bad plan...
Although, as it is a small bus, and most people on it are regulars, I don't think I could deal with the awkward looks he would give me, if he enjoyed that...

I may have to start cycling as soon as the weather gets better.
(, Fri 5 Feb 2010, 11:41, closed)

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