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This is a question Best Films Ever

We love watching films and we're always looking for interesting things to watch - so tell us the best movie you've seen and why you enjoyed it.

(, Thu 17 Jul 2008, 14:30)
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When I was a nipper
My father brought home a pirate copy of E.T. A pretty good movie that my 9 year old self enjoyed. Once that had finished, he mentioned "there's another movie about aliens on after it"

It was "Alien"

I was absolutely spellbound, and the effect of watching a cutesy family orientated movie followed by a horror SF was a life defining moment for me, and has given me a love of cinema and film.

To this day I thank my father for allowing me to watch movies like that when I was underage for the suggested rating as his reasoning was "they're all make believe, and he's reading adult books, so why not"

Cheers dad.
(, Fri 18 Jul 2008, 9:06, Reply)

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