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This is a question Best Films Ever

We love watching films and we're always looking for interesting things to watch - so tell us the best movie you've seen and why you enjoyed it.

(, Thu 17 Jul 2008, 14:30)
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"March hare to big bopper"
I've too many "favourite" films and depending on state of inebriation, company and mood any number of them vie for top spot. One thing I know for sure is that I will never tire of the opening sequence of Mad Max. Shot on a shoestring, littered with continuity errors and not without a few instances of "madly speeded up film syndrome" I know all of this and still couldn't give a shit. It is pure, tungsten cored brilliance. I find myself hooked every time I watch it. I find the cars to be as much characters as the actors- the aforementioned March Hare, a 200,000 mile ex taxi who's engine teetered on the edge of self destruction throughout filming (check the smoke coming out the back during the shots coming into town), Big Bopper- that geniunely did start after ploughing into that little blue van with no input from a mechanic, and of course the Pursuit Special and the first Interceptor- cars responsible for some truely splendid audio porn as they head towards the end of the road. The end sequences with the second black Interceptor are more famous but I will always love the opening more.

Of course beyond that I adore Apocalypse Now (although Redux is a bit self indulgent), Fight Club, Downfall, Akira, Metropolis (the Fritz Lang one not the noisy Anime), The Incredibles and err Toys- yes the bizarre Robin Williams and LL Cool J thing in the fields- I just find it absolutely beautiful.

Length? I don't really much like 'em over two hours to be honest.
(, Fri 18 Jul 2008, 23:21, Reply)

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