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This is a question How clean is your house?

"Part of my kitchen floor are thick with dust, grease, part of a broken mug, a few mummified oven-chips, a desiccated used teabag and a couple of pieces of cutlery", says Sandettie Light Vessel Automatic. To most people, that's filth. To some of us, that's dinner. Tell us about squalid homes or obsessive cleaners.

(, Thu 25 Mar 2010, 13:00)
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Post its
A friend of mine was watching her neighbours dog while they went away. She had known them for years. I'd met them a few times and they seemed alright.
So the day after they'd left my friend goes over to feed the dog and was a little surprised at what she saw.
Post it notes. Everywhere, stuck to the doors, cabinets and walls.

was written on the door to the living room
written on several post it notes stuck to the table, fire place and cabinets.
was stuck to the kitchen unit... so even putting a letter on the unit could leave a mark?
stuck on the cupboard that contained wine.
stuck to the back door
stuck to the window.
stuck to another door

And my part in this story?
My friend had to ask me to come over because their dog had fleas and she didn't know what to do.
If you're going to go to all that effort at least make sure your dog is not infested
(, Sat 27 Mar 2010, 11:24, 3 replies)
Haha Post Its
Best of all the ways to convey one's pathetic emotional insecurity and general failure at being able to take life on the chin.
(, Sat 27 Mar 2010, 11:56, closed)
What if the post-its leave marks? Perhaps they should have been stuck to tissues instead.
(, Sat 27 Mar 2010, 12:20, closed)
But what are you supposed to put under the tissue?

(, Sat 27 Mar 2010, 12:15, closed)
You could just use your breath on the surface and write with a finger.
But the deadly acids in sebum would no doubt eat away at any surface.
I bet the sofa still has the plastic sheeting on it?
(, Sat 27 Mar 2010, 12:26, closed)
Did he not leave notes of his own
saying pick up your own dogs poo you cheap bastards, and next time pay for the dog to go to kennels.
(, Sat 27 Mar 2010, 14:23, closed)

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