Films Recommendations
What's the best or most interesting film you've seen recently? Tell us what you got out of it and why we should watch it.
McChinaman banned, Thu 21 May 2015, 12:05)
I'm sorry to report that Nude Nuns With Big Guns wasn't very good.
Lots of Nude Nuns, not much in the way of big guns. Still, one of the villains gets his cock shot off, then waves it about whilst crying, but that wasn't worth the preceding 90 minutes.
monster munch person, man, woman... camera... TV?, Sat 23 May 2015, 9:33,
4 replies)
it's like an extended metaphor for qftw
lol man river definite greek god, Sat 23 May 2015, 10:25,
youn an extended metaphor
d.r._and_quinch when will you be famous?, Sat 23 May 2015, 12:05,
you make my metaphor extend
lol man river definite greek god, Sat 23 May 2015, 14:13,
d.r._and_quinch when will you be famous?, Sat 23 May 2015, 15:05,