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Home » Question of the Week » Flirting » Post 641949 | Search
This is a question Flirting

Do you flirt with check-out girls just for the heck of it? Are you a check-out girl and flirt with sad-looking middle-aged men for fun? Are you Vernon Kay? Tell us about flirting triumphs and disasters

Thanks to Che Grimsdale for the suggestion

(, Thu 18 Feb 2010, 13:00)
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Very pissed at a party.
I approached an absolutely beautiful girl with not a thought in my head and said, "shall we have a bath?".

She said OK and so we did. Luckily there was another bog downstairs for all the people banging on the door.
(, Thu 18 Feb 2010, 22:42, 5 replies)
I don't care what anyone else says
High 5. Hard.
(, Fri 19 Feb 2010, 3:25, closed)
(, Fri 19 Feb 2010, 10:01, closed)
Su-bloody-perb. Good work that man.
(, Fri 19 Feb 2010, 10:16, closed)
Full marks for originality.
That's one chat-up line I can safely say I'd never have thought of.
(, Fri 19 Feb 2010, 10:18, closed)
(, Mon 22 Feb 2010, 0:57, closed)

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