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This is a question Food sex

Tell us your tales of your custard fetish and the rash you got from a bottle of HP sauce. Because we've ALL had a cucumber stuck up our chuff at least once in our lives.

(Question from MissUnexpectedNuttering)

(, Thu 6 Aug 2009, 13:50)
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Postman! Pat! Strikes! Back!
Once upon a time, a girl I were getting kinda friendly. We'd struck up a healthy relationship, and we were experimenting, as you do.

I had the idea, enthusiastically endorsed by her, of inserting an ice lolly into her. So one, evening, she was tied prone (no pun intended), and I went to work. With a Postman Pat lolly. That was seconds out of the freezer.

Anyhow, she froze to it, shouted, screamed and was generally miserable with me for some time.

Needless to say, it was a while before I got laid again as ice seemingly burns when applied to moist flesh. Although, with hindsight, this could well be an excuse not to sleep with me as I'd caused her some mild discomfort. I may dig out her number and ask her, thinking about it.
(, Mon 10 Aug 2009, 15:24, 6 replies)
I had no such problems
with the Juicy Lucy which I chose as my weapon of choice, however it had been out the freezer for some time and was melting by then.

Having thought about it for some time, I think possibly the worst lolly choice for this may have to be the Fab.
(, Mon 10 Aug 2009, 15:43, closed)
you have my agreement on this (not from experience)
I reckon a Zoom might work well.
(, Mon 10 Aug 2009, 15:47, closed)
What about a twister?
(, Mon 10 Aug 2009, 17:39, closed)
I think a Fab would leave too much mess
A Crunchie certainly does...

I think if I'd let it melt a little she'd have loved it (ice cream blow jobs are always pleasant to receive) .

Really, it's down to my usual cackhandedness not an inherent fault in the ativity.
(, Mon 10 Aug 2009, 15:52, closed)
Would a fab be like having sex with a cold leper? all those 100 & 1000's falling off.
(, Tue 11 Aug 2009, 8:37, closed)
Call Her
If you do call her, be sure to do so on the bus, train, or (best) an elevator. Who wouldn't want to overhear this conversation: "Hello, ex-GF? Remember when I got that ice lolly stuck in your cunt? Were you then abstaining for a few weeks because of the injuries, or were you really just pissed off and punishing me?"
(, Mon 10 Aug 2009, 20:18, closed)

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