Foot in Mouth Syndrome II
Have you ever said something and wished the ground would open up and swallow you? Tell us your tales of social embarrassment.
Thanks to BraynDedd for the suggestion
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 16 Aug 2012, 14:12)
But you hear more gay*-rape stories from American prisons than UK ones.
*Apologies to homosexuals, but I label prison rapists as gay because they don't like it.
Me, I'm not... in any way intoxicated, Mon 20 Aug 2012, 18:23,
1 reply)
British cons have the decency not to kiss and tell.
2 Can Chunder Word to your mums, I came to prod bums, Mon 20 Aug 2012, 18:33,
That could well be it.
I'm hoping I never find out though.
Me, I'm not... in any way intoxicated, Mon 20 Aug 2012, 18:40,
I can help.
Dr. Shambolic je suis charlie, Mon 20 Aug 2012, 18:49,
If you want to go to prison and see if you're raped then report back I'm sure we'd all be grateful.
Me, I'm not... in any way intoxicated, Mon 20 Aug 2012, 18:55,
He's already in prison.
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Mon 20 Aug 2012, 18:56,
Oh, well.
Perhaps one day your prince will come.
Me, I'm not... in any way intoxicated, Tue 21 Aug 2012, 13:52,