Jabboy contacted us because he's skint. So what have you done to make money fast? Did you actually make anything, or were you just ripped off by someone who really was getting rich quick? Did you have to sell your soul?
PS. Jabboy is available for rent on 0870 88673242
( , Thu 31 Jul 2008, 16:57)
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glad to see you're actually thinking about this, I’ll try to answer using quotations as I'll have very little credability if I can’t back the claims up...
first up a quote on the Jesuits before I answer your points and include more quotes at the end
“This war would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits. We owe it to Popery that we now see our land reddened with the blood of her noblest sons.” Abraham Lincoln, 1865
“The Society of Jesus was formed by Ignatius Loyola about 1540, and was the mightiest agent used by the Church of Rome in checking the progress of the Protestant reformation. That order, though banished for its interference with civil government from almost every country in Europe, still exists and is one of the most powerful political agencies of our time . . . It camps in our country as the Turks do in Europe.” {9} Charles A. Blanchard, 1906 President, Wheaton College
Modern Secret Societies
“Only in Protestant, or at least non-Catholic countries like England, Holland and America has the Jesuit Order made unlimited progress.” {10} E. Boyd Barrett, 1927
Irish Ex-Jesuit The Jesuit Enigma
“It must be borne in mind that Rome, of all things, desiderates the ruin of heretic England, and endeavours, to the utmost of her power, to create troubles and difficulties to that free country . . . And this renders the Jesuits more dangerous than any other religious community. Indeed, I would rather see all the various species of those parasite animals called monks transplanted into the English soil than let one Jesuit live in it a single day; and it is not without good reason that we speak so in this Protestant country. The order of the Jesuits was purposely instituted to combat, to extinguish Protestantism…The extirpation of heresy is their principal occupation, the work which renders them meritorious in the eyes of Rome . . . Plots and machinations against Protestants, and against all civil and religious freedom, are the characteristics of the Jesuits . . . and if Protestant England does not soon awake to a sense of her danger, we fear she will repent, too late, of having fostered in her breast these poisonous vipers. Behold what is going on! . . . Behold the utmost uninterrupted state of rebellion in which the priests keep the fanatic Papists of Ireland, and be sure that such would not be the case if you had not Jesuits among them . . . I trust to be believed. I have been born and brought up among monks and Jesuits; and it is because I thoroughly know them, that, grateful for the hospitality afforded me, I warn England to beware of all monks, but especially of Jesuits. They are inauspicious birds, which cannot but infect with their venomous breath the pure and free air of Great Britain . . . ” G. B. Nicolini of Rome, 1854 Protestant Italian Patriot Exiled to England History of the Jesuits
Queen Elizabeth I, banished the Jesuit Order in 1579
they attempted to murder her several times. The Ridolfi Plot (1571), the Throgmarton Plot (1583) and the Babington Plot (1586)
Meanwhile, the Jesuits were in control of Spain. Philip II was the king through which they sought to destroy the Reformation in the Netherlands as well as in England.
with the military might of Philip, the Jesuits plotted the “extirpation” of Elizabeth I invading with the Armada financed by Rome for two million crowns
One of the most important plots in attempting to assassinate Queen Elizabeth miserably failed, having been exposed by England’s Lord Great Chamberlain, Edward de Vere, the Seventeenth Earl of Oxford. In his revealing of the Jesuit General’s Campion-Parsons Plot
James I became king; he too banished the Jesuits and commanded a hangman to publicly burn the evil doctrines of the Jesuit Francisco Suarez
In 1625 King James I died and his son Charles I came to the throne
But Charles unlike his father became a tool of the Jesuits through the direction of Anglican Archbishop William Laud
The attempt to make King Charles Stuart I an absolute Roman Catholic Monarch provoked the Puritan Revolution
after a law was passed forbidding any Roman Catholic from ever governing England again the English people finally put an end to the House of Stuart
however in 1773 King George III would reverse it
“Even in England, Jesuits were never so well treated, nor perhaps so prosperous, as during their legal suppression.” G. B. Nicolini of Rome, 1854 Protestant Italian Patriot Exiled to England History of the
The Company’s most important victories were both religious and political - The Jesuits deeply penetrated the Russian Orthodox Church and Germany’s Lutheran Church and Politically, they took control of the Crown and Bank of England
"The Order received more than support. It was given all it needed, to survive
and prosper, from George III. This wicked king also reestablished the English
branch of the Knights of Malta in 1782, it having been banished from the Empire for
over two hundred years. In 1795, Stonyhurst, one of England’s most beautiful landed
estates, was donated to the Company by an English lord, Thomas Weld. In exchange
for the King’s protection, the Jesuits have never overturned but rather protected the
British Crown, London having become the center of the world’s commerce."Prof Eric Phelps
Of the Jesuits’ Federal Reserve Bank financing Adolf Hitler we read: “Immense sums belonging to our national-bank depositors have been given to Germany on no collateral security whatever . . . Billions upon billions of our money has been pumped into Germany by the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks . . . On April 27, 1932, the Federal Reserve outfit sent $750,000, belonging to American bank depositors, in gold to Germany. A week later, another $300,000 in gold was shipped to Germany in the same way. About the middle of May $12,000,000 in gold was shipped to Germany by the Federal Reserve banks. Almost every week there is a shipment of gold [stolen from Fort Knox, Kentucky] to Germany.”
the world in the future, with the Pontiff of Rome for Emperor . . . that’s
their ideal . . . It’s simple lust of power, of filthy earthly gain, of domination
– something like a universal serfdom with them as masters – that’s all they
stand for. They don’t even believe in God perhaps.”
Fyodor Dostoyevsky, 1880 Russian Novelist “The Grand Inquisitor” The Brothers Karamazov
“The sovereigns of the ‘Holy Alliance’ had massed large armies, and soon entered into a pledge to devote them to the suppression of all uprisings of the people in favor of free government; and he [Pius VII] desired to devote the Jesuits, supported by his pontifical power, to the accomplishment of that end. .” R. W. Thompson, 1894 Ex-Secretary, American Navy The Footprints of the Jesuits
“They were abolished by papal bull in 1773 at the demand of France, Spain, Portugal, Parma, Naples and Austria. They are, however, still to be found everywhere, and they hold considerable property in England. A modern writer justly calls them the ‘Black International.’ ” Lady Queenborough, 1933 English Historian
“Undoubtedly it is the intention of the Pope to possess this country . In this intention he is aided by the Jesuits, and all the Catholic prelates and priests. If the Catholic church becomes predominant here, Protestants will all be exterminated.” Orestes A. Brownson, 1852 Secret Jesuit American Journalist Brownson’s Quarterly Review
“The Jesuits exist in all Protestant countries . . . under other names . . . Take England for example, there they do not legally exist [since 1829]; nevertheless, they have not given up that country, and I assure you that they are more numerous in England than in Italy . . . There are Jesuits in Parliament, amongst the Anglican clergy, amongst the Bishops, and perhaps also in still higher circles [advisors of Queen Victoria] . . . ” Luigi Desanctis, 1852 Official Censor of the Inquisition Popery, Puseyism, and Jesuitism
“In spite of oceans and deserts, of hunger and pestilence, of spies and penal laws, of dungeons and racks, of giblets and quartering-blocks, Jesuits were to be found under every disguise, and in every country; scholars, physicians, merchants, serving men . . . to plot against the thrones and lives of apostate kings, to spread evil rumors, to raise tumults, to inflame civil wars, to arm the hand of the assassin . . . the right of rulers to misgovern the people [as outlined in Roman Catholic Niccolo Machiavelli’s The Prince], the right of every one of the people to plunge his knife in the heart of a bad ruler, were inculcated by the same man, according as he addressed himself to the subject of Philip or to the subject of Elizabeth . . . ” Lord Macaulay, 1848 English Historian Essays
“What is important is that a large sector of the public had gradually come to see, behind the Jesuits’ impressive front of world-wide influence a sinister design — a secret drive for power.” Ernest O. Hauser, 1959 American Journalist The Saturday Evening Post
“Whereas the progress of the papal policy, long actuated by the steady counsels of successive pontiffs, took deeper root, and was at length in some places with difficulty, in others never yet, extirpated. For this we might call to witness the black intrigues of the Jesuits . . . This plan of pontifical power was so deeply laid, and so indefatigably pursued by the unwearied politics of the court of Rome through a long succession of ages . . . it was polished and improved by the united endeavors of a body of men who engrossed all the learning of Europe for centuries together; it was firmly and resolutely executed by persons the best calculated for establishing tyranny and despotism, being fixed with a bigoted enthusiasm, . . . unconnected with their fellow-subjects and totally indifferent to what might befall that posterity to which they bore no endearing relation: yet it vanished into nothing when the eyes of the people were a little enlightened, and they set themselves with vigor to oppose it.” Sir William Blackstone, 1770 England’s Greatest Jurist Commentaries on the Laws of England
“They (the Jesuits) have so constantly mixed themselves up in court and state intrigues that they must, in justice, be reproached with striving after universal dominion. They cost kings their lives, not on the scaffold, but by assassination, and equally hurtful as the society of Illuminati; they were the foremost among the crowd, at all events, who applauded the murder scenes in Paris . . . They held in their hands all the springs for working upon mankind; money, protection . . . were plentifully at their command . . . and it is impossible, therefore to indulge in a conviction that the re-establishment of the Society of Jesus can be productive of any benefit whatever.” 1815
Archduchess of Austria
Archduke Maximilian Francis, Youngest son of Maria Theresa,
“Never before in the course of the world’s history had such a Society appeared. The old Roman Senate itself did not lay schemes for world domination with greater certainty of success.” Friedrich von Hardenberg, 1800 Alias “Novalis” Protestant German Philosopher
“Weishaupt and his fellow Jesuits cut off the income to the Vatican by launching and leading the French Revolution; by directing Napoleon’s conquest of Catholic Europe; [and] . . . by eventually having Napoleon throw Pope Pius VII in jail at Avignon until he agreed, as the price for his release, to reestablish the Jesuit Order. This Jesuit war on the Vatican was terminated by the Congress of Vienna and by the secret, 1822, Treaty of Verona.” Emanuel M. Josephson, 1968 American Physician & Historian
The “Federal” Reserve Conspiracy
and Rockefellers
“As I have observed, the Jesuits are a formidable engine of war, devised in the heat of the struggle of the sixteenth century, and used as a desperate resource, full of danger to those who employ it . . . ” M. J. Michelet, 1843 French University Professor Jesuits and Jesuitism
"The Jesuits not only financed Hitler, but Franz von Papen, who negotiated the Concordat between Pope Pius XII (formerly known as “the German Pope”) and Hitler, declared on January 14, 1934:
“The Third Reich is the first power which not only recognizes, but which puts into practice the high principles of the papacy.”
( , Thu 7 Aug 2008, 8:57, Reply)
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