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This is a question Turning into your parents

Unable to hold back the genetic tide, I find myself gardening in my carpet slippers, asking for a knife and fork in McDonalds and agreeing with the Daily Telegraph. I'm beyond help - what about you?

Thanks to b3th for the suggestion

(, Thu 30 Apr 2009, 13:39)
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I am becoming more like my dad with every day that passes
I am losing all inhibitions with things electrical and/or dangerous. Most recent prime example of this being when I was down at my parents over the Easter break, and agreed to sort out the porch. Cue me at one point holding an active metal-grinder in between my legs whilst I have one hand holding my phone to my ear, and my other hand holding a can of coke, whilst my mum looked on in horror and my dad looked on in amusement. Said metal-grinder also had no safety edge thingy on it because of various accidents and stuff that had happened to it. How I did not end up lopping my balls off, I do not know.

I've also developed a thing for torches lately. My mum finds me weird. My dad finds me cool, because once again, I've inherited this from my dad. I now have four different torches, one massive bastard which could also double up as a runway landing strip light, a smaller handheld one for indoors, one torch that I use for airsofting, and a small keyring torch, and relish any opportunity to use them.

We also have a special relationship (no, not in that sense, you perverts!) in the form of me taking an interest in his work. He is one of the top risk managers in the country, and is slowly passing on all his knowledge to me. Amusingly though, both me and him won't actually assess the risks of doing DIY, so at times we end up injured with various other relatives screeching at my dad, "But you're a risk manager!" when we wander in bleeding profusely after realising that grinding nails off a piece of trellis can cause them to fly off with a lot of force. I now have nifty scars from many a DIY accident.

I also now look forward to doing the washing up. Ten minutes of peace and tranquility at the end of the day and my mind doesn't need to work any more. I also look forward to mowing the lawn over the summer.

I'm only 21, someone shoot me now.
(, Thu 30 Apr 2009, 14:20, 7 replies)
I don't know
There is something satisfying about doing the washing up. Especially after cooking. You end up looking like you've created this amazing cake from nowhere, sitting on a clean plate on a sparkling worktop, when only ten minutes before you were knee-deep in flour, there are implements coated with golden syrup stuck to the floor and broken eggshells in the sink.

I LIKE the washing up.

...shouldn't have said that, should I?
(, Thu 30 Apr 2009, 16:36, closed)
Washing up
Is really soothing, especially when there's loads to do and you can just get stuck in and just chill out for ages. So I'm liking it too.
(, Thu 30 Apr 2009, 17:15, closed)
The only thing I hate
is when water splashes onto your wrists, and dries, and it gets really itchy. And you can't scratch it because it'll just get your skin wetter and lead to more itchiness as it dries.

*scratches wrists*

Or when you splash water all over yourself. That's not cool.

(It's not about rubber gloves though, asbestos hands ftw)
(, Thu 30 Apr 2009, 17:18, closed)
for the win.

Nice post mate.
(, Thu 30 Apr 2009, 17:08, closed)
are awesome. 'Nuff said.
(, Thu 30 Apr 2009, 17:17, closed)
I'm with you
On the torches thing. I have one that can (and does) light up small aircraft when they fly overhead at night.
(, Fri 1 May 2009, 1:03, closed)
My dad is similar on the risk thing
He's been an electrical engineer for 35 years or so. Every so often he comes home with new burn marks from accidentally putting his hand on an industrial 430V rail. Bad.

So how did he check whether the wires in the garage were live when he was putting in a new socket?

Licked his finger and touched them of course.

(As you may have guessed, they were not live).
(, Fri 1 May 2009, 1:05, closed)

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