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This is a question Will you go out with me?

"Bloody Kraut, a" asks, "How did you get your current flame to go out with you? If they turned you down, how bad was it?"

Was it all romantic? Or were the beer goggles particularly strong that night?

(, Thu 28 Aug 2008, 17:32)
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The poem.
A bit of background first. Within a day of our correspondence starting, we created a fictional universe where we had superhero powers and fought crime. I ended up being a bar of chocolate with a secret superhero identity and she was a sexy weathergirl. Our enemies were the dreaded newsreaders bringing down the population with messages of doom and gloom. She would use her weather forecasts to hide secret messages, which I'd watch and interpret and use to save the world. We had a volley of such 'episodes' for a while.

As usual, typos have been preserved, and the names (not our real names, but the pet names we called each other) have been censored.

<*****> I love you to bits!
Your breeze on my chunks hits and hits!
So instead of calling it quits,
I'll send this and see how it fits.

I met a playful little breeze,
That I'd like to squeeze and squeeze.
Control'd departed from my knees.
Oh, how I wished it was a chocolate-sneeze!

We spiral into eachother without a clue.
What I really want to do is dive in to you.
The "Great White Thing" - just me and you.
Resistance is futile. We'll be one, not two.

From a point of silver light we'll grow.
A single ball of loveliness shall glow.
Up and up it shall go.
And light the cosmos, it shall be so.

My heart is leaking at a pace.
Without you, it leaks into space.
Instead it should leak in your place,
And yours should leak on my base.

Accross the Ethers we reach out and touch.
In my mind's eye I miss you much.
But it's not quite the same as together-being, as such.
You I'd like to see, hear, smell, taste, and touch.

Eachother's passion we embraceed - that's just.
So eachother ourselves we should embrace ... with lust...
Or bust.
Oh ye playful little gust!

I'll let you re-arrange my chunks,
And even tap into my spunk.
So have fun with your hunky hunk,
And we shall dance the funky funk.

I await your forecast for our future.

<******> - Your Knight in chocolate-wrapper armor.

(, Thu 4 Sep 2008, 2:59, Reply)

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