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This is a question Bizarre habits

Sandettie Light Vessel Automatic tells us: "Until I pointed it out, my other half use to hang out the washing making sure that both pegs were the same colour. Now she goes out of her way to make sure they never match." Tell us about bizarre rituals, habits and OCD-like behaviour.

(, Thu 1 Jul 2010, 12:33)
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It goes knives, forks, spoons....
...according to my friend. Except that it doesn't. It never does! The trays in the cutlery drawer *must* go forks, knives, spoons - no other way makes sense. Teaspoons underneath and any other random utensils arranged to the side.

When moving in with former housemates there was a brief skirmish over cultlery positioning. One innocent soul foolishly tried it on with spoons, knives, forks (new one to me) but soon found themselves giving way gracefully. As a house, we breathed a collective sigh and moved on to the long-held standoff of whether marmite/ketchup/peanutbutter belong in the fridge, the cupboard or as near the TV as possible.
(, Mon 5 Jul 2010, 0:02, 11 replies)
Peanut butter never goes in the fridge.

I am American therefore your argument is invalid.
(, Mon 5 Jul 2010, 2:14, closed)
I agree entirely!
Peanut butter in the fridge, smooth or crunchy, is utter wrongness.

Attic-housemate was of the opinion that it should be in the fridge because "it was better for the texture" *puzzled face*

Backroom-housemate liked the ketchup in the fridge out of sheer laziness - closer to the bacon/ scummy cheese/ whatever other shit he found to go on his sandwich.

I am a tolerant person ... but I hope like to think they were wiser people by the time we left the house.
(, Tue 6 Jul 2010, 11:21, closed)
forks, knives, spoons obviously
and none of those things belong in the fridge.

I've never even heard of anyone putting marmite or peanut butter in the fridge. that's just perverse.
(, Mon 5 Jul 2010, 10:59, closed)
Perverse is the word.

I was happy with "on the table" as a compromise - but no way do any of those things belong in the fridge!
(, Tue 6 Jul 2010, 11:22, closed)
Teaspoons go in the half-length "slot" to the right of knives, forks and spoons.
(, Mon 5 Jul 2010, 11:19, closed)
Knives, forks, spoons
and teaspoons underneath.

And, if you fill your fridge up with other stuff - where do you put the beer?
(, Mon 5 Jul 2010, 12:18, closed)
No, no!
It's spoons, forks, knives.

M girlfriend's cutlery drawer's in a completely different order so I keep on pulling out the wrong implement.
(, Mon 5 Jul 2010, 12:29, closed)
^^ Phnar, phnar
"I keep pulling out the wrong implement"
(, Mon 5 Jul 2010, 12:33, closed)
You should see the trouble it causes
when she asks me for a soup spoon and I get my cock out instead.
(, Mon 5 Jul 2010, 13:14, closed)
slightly better than "spoon, knives, forks" but that is still wrong! Why would you have the spoons on the wrong side of the forks?! That way madness lies.
(, Tue 6 Jul 2010, 11:23, closed)
Well, at least you managed to agree they should go in the drawer
and not get left in the drainer, or dirty in the sink, or wherever on the floor/under bedclothes the filthy buggers left them.

So you're one up on my house sharing days. Bas was a true tramp.
(, Tue 6 Jul 2010, 15:34, closed)

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