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Home » Question of the Week » Hoarding » Post 1606629 | Search
This is a question Hoarding

Willenium says: I had to bring some floppy disks into work which I had been saving for 10 years "in case I might need them". Tell us when your hoarding skills have come in useful (or not, as the case may be)

(, Thu 3 May 2012, 14:03)
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You say that like it's a bad thing or that you talking about my dad somehow bothers me
What I find truly tragic though, is that here, ThunderCuntTheMagnificent and Battered seem to think that you're somehow worthy of emulation - like they'll ever manage to be half the autistic shitcunt spastic that you are. That takes years of dedication, and brain damage.
(, Thu 3 May 2012, 15:05, 2 replies)
You don't seem bothered at all Emvee, what with your linking, name calling and emboldening of your adversaries names
Rejection hurts, no matter how much of a narcissist the rejector is. It feels personal, and it hurts on a visceral level even though you can rationalize it intellectually. I think you're already on the right path to overcoming it by recognizing it, have you thought of a reunion with him on Jeremy Kyle ? You can impress him with your medieval costumes and star trek toys, thereby showing him that you've totally moved on from the childhood stage of your life and have embraced your responsibilities as an adult.
(, Thu 3 May 2012, 15:21, closed)
Hahaha, what, "adversaries"?
Oh please, I just think it's desperately sad that they want to be as much of a witless troll as you are, but clearly had trouble thinking up their own mindless abuse. Perhaps you could give them lessons in sniffing glue or something.
(, Thu 3 May 2012, 15:44, closed)
Alright you aint upset, I totally get that
People are asking about your old man and all you can do is throw it back in their face man. You might be an emotional automaton after years of being brought up in care, but the rest of us have feelings.
(, Thu 3 May 2012, 16:01, closed)
No you don't, you're the most perfect example of internet autism I think I've ever encountered
Years from now when technarchaeologists are writing the history of the web, they'll probably raise you up as the "type specimen" of a mentally disabled troll
(, Thu 3 May 2012, 16:21, closed)
I think if we b4sh we could sort our differences out
I promise not to mention your irrational hatred for your dad, 2000ad autism, or you being a middled aged bedsit kevin once.

(, Thu 3 May 2012, 16:47, closed)
That sounds awesome, see you there
(, Thu 3 May 2012, 17:03, closed)
Prefers the term emotionally and socially subnormal himself
(, Fri 4 May 2012, 14:29, closed)

Nobody could ever emulate Rory, he's a one off. Whereas you seem to be a sad emo trying to compensate for your Daddy issues by collecting a load of crap to fill an emotional void.
(, Thu 3 May 2012, 17:00, closed)
Sorry, who the fuck are you again?

(, Thu 3 May 2012, 17:02, closed)
Make him flounce again ;)
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a member for 9 months and 29 days
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I am back following a nine month break which started when I flounced. I am 38, married and have a daughter. Woo. Yay. etc.
(, Thu 3 May 2012, 17:05, closed)
I'm sticking around. Sorry to disappoint.

(, Thu 3 May 2012, 17:09, closed)
I, for one, would be massively disappointed if you fucked off again

(, Thu 3 May 2012, 17:11, closed)
I thought you might be.

(, Thu 3 May 2012, 17:12, closed)
Was just joking. Can't beat an internet flounce though.
(, Fri 4 May 2012, 9:20, closed)

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