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This is a question What's the most horrific thing you've seen?

What is going on?
Lightguy was walking home when he saw a fox eating a cat. As he watched, it threw up on the cat and then continued eating, having doused it in its own marinade.

Only this morning, Rachelswipe saw a tramp hock up a bright green loogy, only for a pigeon to hop over on its withered stumps and peck it up joyfully.

Are these the end times? What horrible stuff have you seen recently?

(, Fri 22 Jun 2007, 10:36)
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At least I was being paid for this...
So there I am. I'm a computer engineer, so a job not normally noted for dishing out lumps of horribleness. Until one day. I get sent on a project to implement home working. Not a problem, bit of Citrix, how hard can it be?

I get the basics done, it's a stroll in the park. People are great, hotel's OK, me, I'm sorted.

Then I put the application on. It's some kind of photo viewer. Hey, still all good. However, I then need to view about 100 images, just to check that it's working, and categorise them, as that's what this application does.

I come back from an excellent lunch, and settle myself in my chair. My equivalent of Spider Sense hands me a small message at this point. I distinctly remember thinking "How bad can this be?"

The answer is, as you might expect, "Bad. Really bad."

The images are from a medical charity's Tropical Medicine research department. I've survived the worst that the Internet could throw at me. But this...

Image 1 is "Elephantisis of the scrotum.". Someone's nutsack hanging around his knees. Nine images in, we hit "autoamputation of breast". And my lunch hits the porcelain. Somehow I kept it together long enough to make it to the disabled toilet.

For those not of a medical bent, I think "autoamputation" means something like "it fell off all by itself". For those who know, I'm sorry if I've got this wrong.

Got my revenge, tho' - I goatse'd the guy who gave me this assignment.

And I had 91 more images to do. It took the best part of two days. Luckily, it seems that my vom reflex had almost completely broken in the accident, and now I can look at almost anything quite calmly.
(, Sat 23 Jun 2007, 16:17, Reply)

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