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This is a question I just don't get it

Poor Semiret, he's foreign and has no idea if he "should laugh about the whole 'only playing music when they are out of ice cream' thing or not." There's also a Far Side cartoon that has had him stumped for almost 20 years.

What don't you understand? What have you politely gone along with whilst internally going WTF?

(, Thu 31 Mar 2005, 11:09)
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Things I don’t get:
Sex – but that’s beside the point.

Religious wars – Isn’t it just the same as kids in the playground fighting over who has the best imaginary friend?

Musical genres – Who gives a toss whether a band is industrial/thrash/grunge? Generalisations: if the group need someone else to write/sing/dance for them, it’s pop. If they write their own music and play guitars, it’s rock. If they write their own stuff, look scary and play their guitars fast, it’s metal. All else is irrelevant.

People who think a decent standard of living involves dropping out of school at 16 with no GCSEs (O-Levels in old money), having a few kids with different parents by the time they hit 20, then living their life on the dole splurging it on fake designer clothing, plated gold jewellery, pointless car upgrades and crappy food, and encouraging their offspring to follow in their footsteps!

Fashion – why the smeg should someone else tell me what to wear? I wear what’s comfortable, practical and what I think looks good. If someone is going to judge me on my clothing, I’m obviously a better person than them and so am entitled to pour scorn onto/patronise them.

Narrow minded people who think a person’s entire life can be guessed purely because of their job/clothing/taste in music/vehicle of choice/hobbies.

Car drivers who don’t realise there are vehicles on the road with less wheels than them. Motorcyclists are allowed to use public highways, please look for us as we are considerably more vulnerable than you cased in your metal box!

Drivers who think that the highway code applies to other people, who don’t realise the flashing orange lights on the side of the car are not just there for an emergency disco, who think that speed limits are merely something to aspire to, who crowd around the centre of two lanes so that bikers can’t pass, or who feel the need to share their music with us.

People who don’t use decent spelling/grammar. Those who are dyslexic or don’t speak English as their first language are obviously not counted, but for all other – what’s your excuse?

Apologies for height.

(NB I realise some of these points have already been covered, but once I started I couldn’t stop)
(, Thu 31 Mar 2005, 21:27, Reply)

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