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This is a question I just don't get it

Poor Semiret, he's foreign and has no idea if he "should laugh about the whole 'only playing music when they are out of ice cream' thing or not." There's also a Far Side cartoon that has had him stumped for almost 20 years.

What don't you understand? What have you politely gone along with whilst internally going WTF?

(, Thu 31 Mar 2005, 11:09)
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I don't get patriotism,
well, not the way americans do it anyway. (Sorry if I offend any of the american users on here) It's all "God bless America" and "You pinko bastard commies, we won the cold war bitches" I mean, you even get sent to prison for burning the american flag. Do that here and you'd get some funny looks and probably done for starting a fire, but not a jail sentence. It's very much like the horrible saying Hitler had "If you're not with us, you're against us". People are willing to die for the land they were born on, which is run by old men with lots of money and charisma.

Along the same sort of lines, I do not understand football hooliganism. I don't understand what is so great about football anyway. A load of weedy pansies pussy-footing around a big patch of grass trying to kick a ball. Woo-bloody-hoo! And yet, people will be willing to hospitalise and threaten to kill others because their team didn't win a smegging match.

Completely unrelated, clothes. For a girl, I am not much of a shopping or fashion person. I have not found an item of girls clothing that is practical, comfortable or well-fitting. I find myself buying certain items of mens clothing, like jeans and long-sleeved shirts. The girl's jeans are too tight fitting and I can't move around in them, and the girl's shirts, no matter what size, are simply too short in the body. And these hipsters are the worst thing in the world. They constantly feel like they are falling down. Combined with the ill fitting shirts, its no wonder some of us girls have rolls showing. Its unfair. Why should I have to look like a supermodel. I dont care what size I am, so long as I am physically fit (which I am, thank you very much).

And another thing. Lazy people. I don't mean the people who don't work or clean around the house, that's fine. It's the ones who refuse to do any exercise whatsoever. They whinge about how they get out of breath all the time and don't want to mess up their hair. Here's news for you - your hair looks like crap anyway, and If you did more exercise, YOU WOULDNT GET OUT OF BREATH IN THE FIRST PLACE. A little exercise is not too much to ask. Even for the fat people.

Apologies for angriness. Im not so grumpy in real life - honest.
(, Fri 1 Apr 2005, 1:29, Reply)

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